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The next morning Daisy's alarm clock was ringing differently, yet she woke up and was ready to go about her day as normal

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The next morning Daisy's alarm clock was ringing differently, yet she woke up and was ready to go about her day as normal. Half-way into her morning routine of breakfast and coffee, Daisy realized that today was Sunday, she could've sworn that Wednesday was just yesterday! The days were starting to meld together for Daisy, but she was grateful for the Sunday, it meant she had a day of resting ahead of her.

Just as Daisy finished her load of laundry she heard the doorbell ring.

"Who could that be?" She whispered to herself as she went to open the door. In front of her was a friendly and familiar face.

"Agnes! What can I help you with today?" Daisy said happily.

"It's time to go to the planning committee meeting of course!" Agnes replied loudly as if there was no other reason for her to be on Daisy's porch. She didn't remember having any meetings to go to, but suddenly felt the urge to join Agnes.

"Oh of course! Give me just one minute and I'll be right with you!" Daisy said and hurried off to change into clothes more fitting for a planning committee meeting. When she went back to where she had left Agnes, the brunette was no longer standing in her doorway. Daisy looked around quickly before making her way out of her house, locking the door behind her and walking out to the main street, still looking for Agnes. When she finally saw her, Agnes was standing a few houses down with a red haired female. Daisy couldn't see her face and made the decision to walk to the meeting by herself rather than disturbing the two females.

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"The devil's in the details, Bev." Dottie said as she stood up to speak to the women sitting down around her. Daisy found herself sitting in between two unfamiliar faces, something that happened rarely as she knew everyone in this town. The feeling from the day before started seeping into her bones once again, uncomfortable and sticky, Daisy felt as if she might be sick.

"That's not the only place he is..." She heard Agnes whisper to the redhead from before. Daisy sat close enough to hear the females sitting to her left whispering back and forth as Dottie continued her little speech.

"We only have a few hours until show time, so a little less cross chatting and a little more focus." Dottie interrupted their whispers with the voice the whole neighbourhood dreads to hear, a feeling only Dottie could instill.

"All of this is for the children." She continued sweetly.

"For the children." The women repeated in unison. The redhead, a little distracted by her cookie, joined a beat late and her voice stuck out like a sore thumb. However, for Daisy, everything about that woman stuck out. There was something there that she just couldn't place. She felt the anxiety take over her body as the day got weirder and weirder, Daisy wasn't used to this feeling and she didn't like it one bit.

When the meeting ended Daisy couldn't get out of there fast enough. She felt the need to rush back home so that she could shower and rub off the sticky and uncomfortable feeling that had stuck to her body. Daisy wished she could avoid meeting any more people today, but she knew that if she didn't show up at the talent show Dottie would be furious with her. Had it been any other person, Daisy wouldn't have needed to consider it, but Dottie was her most loyal customer and as long as she had a good reputation with her, the store would keep on flourishing. Accepting her fate, Daisy put on her clothes and made her way into the town square for the talent show.

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"I want to thank you all for coming out to support Westview Elementary, 'For the children'". Dottie's voice echoed in Daisy's head. She felt warm and knew that a headache was coming on, at the back of her head she heard her own voice telling her she shouldn't have come. Daisy shook her head and repeated with the rest of the crowd;

"For the children."

"And for our final act... I give you, Wanda and Vision." Dottie continued and made her way off the stage while the crowd applauded for the couple. It wasn't until the redheaded female from earlier stepped out on stage that Daisy realized her name was Wanda. Another warm feeling rushed over Daisy's body when she connected the name to the face and she felt herself zone out as the couple went on with their witty magic act. The uncomfortable and sticky feeling was back cozying into her bones and under her skin and she started feeling the headache grow stronger behind her forehead. She just had to make it through this act and then she could go home again, get rid of this feeling and move on with her week. It seemed as though the universe had different plans for Daisy because as the act went on she started hearing a buzzing sound. Daisy turned her head left and right looking for the source of the sound with no luck. It wasn't coming from anywhere, the sound was inside her head. None of this made sense, and for the second time today Daisy felt anxiety creeping over her body. She shut her eyes hard and attempted to calm herself down, and let time tick away. Not quite sure of how long she stayed in that position Daisy finally opened her eyes once she could hear the audience laughing and clapping their hands together in applause. She joined them briefly to not seem rude, but quickly gathered her things from the table and went to stand up, not able to stand the feeling in her body for one more second.

"Daisy darling, where are you headed?" Agnes' voice boomed through Daisy's throbbing head. She turned around slowly and put on a strained smile for her.

"I should really get home, I've got an early delivery of flowers tomorrow morning." Daisy quickly made up, although it wasn't entirely a lie. Daisy really did have an early delivery to receive tomorrow and the store was in dire need of a restock. Agnes didn't need to know about what Daisy has been experiencing today, she barely understood what was going on herself.

"What's a couple more minutes? Stay for the award ceremony!" Agnes replied, disregarding what Daisy had just said.

"No, I really have to get going." Daisy said, more sternly this time to get her point across, before turning on her heel and walking away. The throbbing in her head didn't allow for niceties and Daisy figured she could just apologize for her behaviour the next time she saw Agnes, but right now she just needed to get away from everyone.

The further Daisy walked from the town square, the less uncomfortable and anxious she felt. It was like the stickiness and uncomfort just washed away with every step she took. She couldn't help but think that the feeling was there for a reason and the more Daisy thought about it the more she realized that this feeling was connected to being close to very specific people.

But that makes no sense at all.

Daisy thought to herself. There was no way two people could have this effect on her, she barely even knew them. Once Daisy had reached her house she was ready to dismiss the little theory that her brain had made up.

There was no way Wanda and Vision were the reason behind her odd feelings.

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