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"James! I need that patent form filled out and on my desk by lunch, got it?" James' boss yelled across the hallway as he made his way into his office

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"James! I need that patent form filled out and on my desk by lunch, got it?" James' boss yelled across the hallway as he made his way into his office.

"Yes, sir!" He replied loud enough for the other man to hear. It had been a slow morning, largely due to the fact that he hardly got any sleep the previous night. He kept tossing and turning, thinking about the woman in the flower shop; thinking about Daisy... The guilt of thinking about Daisy at every waking moment was eating him up. The weight of the ring in his pocket felt heavier than ever. He remembered walking past her store the day before, with Dani by his side. It had taken him every ounce of willpower to keep his eyes fixated on his girlfriend instead of glancing into the store to steal a look at Daisy. Every time he closed his eyes he thought of her, he saw her hazel eyes and black hair in front of him, a soft smile on her lips as she held back a laugh at something he said. When James thought of Daisy he felt at ease, it was comforting to be with her, to be around her. Nothing else had come as easy for James as when he spoke to Daisy.

James entered his office and tossed his briefcase on the desk in front of him. He needed to snap out of this trance he felt he was in. There was no way he could go on with his work and his life if he was hung up on Daisy. He brought his hands up and rubbed them over his face before combing his hands through his hair. It was time to focus. Patent forms needed to be filled out and later he had plans he needed to perfect.

Despite what he thought earlier James found himself making his way to Daisy's shop during his lunch break. He couldn't help himself, there was something deep inside him that kept pulling him towards Daisy. He bought coffee on the way there as well as a raspberry muffin. There was no apparent reason as to why James chose the raspberry muffin, he just had a gut feeling that Daisy would enjoy it. As he made his way to her shop, he caught himself checking the reflections on store windows to see if he looked okay. James shook his head at himself, he was acting like a teenager. Yet, before he walked into her store he felt a surge of nerves through his body. He was nervous about how Daisy would react to his gesture. But he didn't have much time to overthink his decision because the black haired girl he was longing to see had just spotted him through the store windows. She smiled at him and went to welcome him into the shop.

"James! Hi! What a lovely surprise!" Through her voice she seemed genuinely happy to see James. It made his heart skip a beat. Her smile was addictive, he always wanted to see her smiling.

"Hope you're not too busy, I brought coffee and a muffin." He said with a soft smile lifting the bag he brought with him from the café.

"Oh, what's the occasion?" Daisy inquired curiously.

"Just see it as payment for good company, maybe?" He said jokingly, hoping she wouldn't reject him and throw him out of her shop.

"You don't need to pay me to get me to spend time with you, you know..." She mumbled and took the bag from his hands. She moved over to the cash register and placed the bag on the desk before taking out the coffee.

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