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This chapter contains smut! Please check the updated story warnings before reading ♡

"You're looking a tad bit lonely."

The voice had made Daisy tense up, gripping her glass tightly before whipping her head around to scold whoever dared to disturb her. The quickfire anger dissipated as soon as her brain had time to register who the voice belonged to. She felt a smile spread on her pink lips as she took in the sight in front of her. James often wore suits because of his job, but this suit was something else. It fit his body perfectly, leaving little of his body to the imagination.

Daisy knew James was tall, she had stood beside him more than once, but in this moment he towered over her in a way that made her heart flutter. His broad frame leaned in next to her as he rested his elbows on the bar and ordered a drink. Daisy was too occupied with taking him in to hear what he ordered and it wasn't until he turned back to her and chuckled that she felt herself coming back to reality.

"What are you doing here?" His voice came out rough and raspy, Daisy felt her heart beating faster as he smirked at her. She had to remind herself to breathe properly before attempting to reply, not wanting to embarrass herself by sounding out of breath from sitting down.

"I could ask you the same thing. Wasn't there a proposal happening tonight?" She fired back at him, cocking her eyebrow and sending him a questioning look. He huffed at the reminder and shrugged, weighing his options on whether he would tell her what had happened or if he would keep it to himself.

"I'm too sober to tell you right now." He sighed lightly and grabbed a seat next to her. Daisy nodded and went to take a sip from her drink in hopes of alleviating the tension that had quickly risen at the mention of his previous plans.

"That bad?" She peeped after swallowing down the bitter liquid, attempting to not make a grimace at the feeling of it burning her insides. James shook his head at her as he thanked the bartender for his drink and took a sip of his own. Although it was less of a sip and more of a gulp, in a way that gave Daisy an answer to her question. The desperation of wanting to forget something coated James' face and his actions.

"Didn't peg you for a whiskey girl." He attempted to shift the conversation from himself, not wanting to talk about the events of the evening just yet.

"I'm honestly not. I wanted to try something new, but right now I'm regretting my choices and wishing I had the ability to turn this into wine instead." She confessed and laughed at herself and James' reaction. He shook his head at her in disbelief before waving at the bartender who approached them quickly.

"A glass of wine for the lady please." The bartender nodded and turned towards Daisy who had stopped laughing and was staring at James with a puzzled look on her face.

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