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A sigh left Bucky's lips as the first notes of another generic pop song started streaming out of the car's stereo

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A sigh left Bucky's lips as the first notes of another generic pop song started streaming out of the car's stereo. The sigh caught Daisy's attention, making her turn her head slowly to face Bucky in the driver's seat. They'd been driving for a while, a couple of hours maybe, she wasn't sure. Her sense of time had been distorted ever since the moment she entered Westview that day with Wanda. Nothing felt like it should, Daisy felt uncomfortable by the silence that surrounded them despite the music playing in the background. It was deafening, consuming every free inch of her mind and making her question every moment they'd shared since that one day in Berlin.

Bucky's jaw was clenched, as if to stop him from accidentally spilling words he'd rather keep in. At this point a clenched jaw was probably more like his natural state of being, and Daisy absolutely despised that. What did he have weighing on his mind so heavily he needed to keep physical and mental distance from his soulmate? Was her very presence uncomfortable for him? As the endless questions began piling up in her mind Daisy let out a loud groan and let her fingers run through her hair, an attempt at grounding herself in a moment of weakness.

She could feel Bucky's eyes shift toward her momentarily, not adding any comfort to her already spinning mind as it meant his eyes weren't on the road. It was like fuel added to the burning dumpster fire that was her mind. Shifting in her seat, Daisy turned towards the backseats and reached for her duffel bag, ignoring any and all distractions Bucky or the road might add. With slightly shaking hands Daisy attempted to zip up the bag, struggling briefly before finally getting it open and beginning her search for the hair tie she threw in there before leaving Sam's apartment. As she rummaged through the bag she touched something cold and suddenly she forgot about the hair tie as the incessant questions from earlier came flooding back. Grabbing the delicate leather end of the object, Daisy pulled the small shiny dagger out of her bag and weighed it in her hand as she contemplated the next step. The longer she waited, the heavier it felt resting in the palm of her hand.

"Why did you pack my dagger?" She finally let out half-mumbedly, turning to Bucky as she waited for an answer. He didn't react, he didn't even flinch at the sudden question. Maybe he didn't hear her over the radio, but that only made her feel even dumber than she already did. Feeling the awkward energy rise in the car, the brunette began digging in her bag once again, mumbling to herself in hopes of looking less pathetic. A couple of minutes into her self-pitying, Daisy felt her dignity hit rock bottom. What the fuck was she doing? With embarrassment turning into frustration Daisy shoved her bag off of her lap, the lilac fabric hitting the floor of the car with a soft thud. She reached out for the volume control and turned down the radio enough to make the music sound like whispers coming out of the speakers. She spoke again, clearly this time.

"Why did you put the dagger in my bag?" There was a hint of frustration to her voice, waiting for permission before taking over fully. At this rate it might be granted sooner than she'd thought. Bucky kept his eyes fixated on the road ahead of him, letting the thick silence between them fill the air. Finally giving in, he shrugged lightly while gripping the steering wheel harder, still avoiding meeting her burning gaze. With her patience running low, Daisy didn't bother to wait for a verbal response, already having come to a conclusion of her own.

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