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-  A few more flashbacks showing up in Daisy's dreams

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- A few more flashbacks showing up in Daisy's dreams

Daisy woke up thinking it would be another day spent lounging with Bucky, maybe they would take a walk on the beach later in the day. The day was truly theirs to seize.

That was until Steve called. And all their plans and possibilities were squashed into nothingness.

Daisy would never forget the look on Bucky's face as T'Challa and Okoye presented him with his new arm. It was like the reality he had built in Wakanda slowly crumbled in front of him at the realization of what he would need to do.

Bucky knew what they needed of him, and he wasn't one to sit out during a fight, no matter how broken he was. Daisy knew this too, so she didn't try to convince him otherwise, despite how badly she wanted him to.

They got ready for the fight ahead in silence, both of them consumed by their own thoughts. All possible scenarios of what could happen running through their minds. Daisy's heart felt heavy, worried both for her best friend and for Vision. Worried about what was to come. It wasn't unusual for Daisy to always come up with the worst case scenarios in situations like this, the unknown scared her. Especially now that she had something to lose, or rather, someone to lose.

Her eyes drifted to Bucky as he buckled his thigh holster, her heart seizing up at the sight of him in his tactical gear. He truly was a sight.

"Hey, can you zip this up for me?" She asked him faintly. Daisy didn't actually need his help zipping up her tactical suit, having done it by herself thousands of times before. This was just a lame excuse of hers to break herself and Bucky free of their merciless thoughts. And maybe also an excuse to be close to him, to have him touch her one last time before the inevitable fight.

"Of course, c'mere," his voice came out raspy as he moved closer to her, arms stretched out and ready for her. She smiled softly at him as she turned her back to him, giving him access to the zipper. She tried not to shiver as his shiny new vibranium arm touched her skin, the cold spreading goosebumps over her lower back. She felt his cold fingers trace along her left shoulder, scattering more goosebumps on her skin.

"This is a new tattoo, isn't it?" He murmured as he touched her, halting his movements and letting go of the zipper. Daisy froze under his touch and at his words. She hadn't thought it all the way through, forgetting about the tattoo she got a few weeks before coming back to Wakanda. The thin lines of ink burned under her skin despite his cold metal touch. She hummed in response, not quite trusting her voice as he touched her.

He went back to zipping up her suit after tracing the lines on her skin. Turning her around by her shoulders to face him when he was finished. His face was soft, a loving gaze coming from his blue eyes, contrasting her nervous spirit and wandering brown eyes.

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