Chapter 2

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"Why do you want her here so badly?" Asked the powerful voice

"You'll see why..."

"I hope you know what your doing"


"Oh I know..."

He looked out the window into the red skies of hell.

Soon all of you will know



It was Friday afternoon and I was still stuck at work completing these damn papers that those damn bimbos can't even finish. Fuck them.

"Olivia I'm gonna go now, Katie has the flu and I have to rush home."

"Okay Sarah I'll just put these papers in his mailbox, hope Katie feels better."

"Thank you Olivia, don't work to hard okay" She said as she walked away

After 20 minutes I was up to my last paper, fucking-finally. My phone rings.

"Moshi Moshi?"

"Your not Japanese stop saying that!"

"Well fine!" I laughed

Best friend: Willow

"So we up for tonight?"

"Yeah, I'm almost done here so I'll call you when I'm leaving and stuff."

"Okay bitch talk to you later then."

"Peace bitch"

I hanged up and put the papers in a filing folder and left them in the son of bitch's mailbox, then gathered my things and headed of home to go change and crap. As I was walking to the bus stop, and mind you there is not much people around at this time (8 p.m), I felt that same presence I felt a week ago, but this one made me felt sick.



There was a soft whisper that hit my ear, it sent chills down my back.



That one hit me like a bus. What the hell was that?! What's happening?!



"Olivia! Woah it's me!"

I started to breath heavily, my heart felt like it was about to drop out of my ass.

"Don't ever do that!" Tears started to form

"I'm sorry I'm sorry, I didn't mean it..."

His face expression changed when he saw the tears fall down my cheeks.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing it's just..."

"It's just what?"

I couldn't say anything I just ran into his arms and hugged him. He patted my head, I think he knew why I was hugging him, why my body was shaking. When we got home I plumped on the couch, I didn't feel like going out anymore but I promised Willow and Miranda.

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