Chapter 16

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Lilith jumped off of Behemoth as she made a lunge at me, I dodged her attack. She grunted as she threw her sai's at me, I dodged one of them but the other hit my side I took out the sai with ease and threw it to the ground.

"Is that all you got?" I smiled at her

"I'm going to tear you to shreds bitch!"

"I don't think so"

I turned into my last stage of my demon form, I grew sharp long horns, my hair grew longer, I grew claws and my body went pitch black. Two silver marks appeared around my mouth that made it look like I had teeth, a black feather fell into my hand as it turned into a double sided sword. Now this is what I call power.

"What the fuck..." Lilith whispered as she moved back a little.

She took out one of Lucifer's sword, which was my sword in the first place that bastard gave it to her for keeps sake...asshole. Lilith came charging at me with full power as she swung the sword at me, I blocked the attack with my sword.

"Why can't you just give up?!"

"Seraphiel is mine you bitch!"

"No he isn't, he made it fucking clear that he wants nothing to do with you!"

She looked at me with hurtful eyes I couldn't help but feel bad for her, but this bitch tried to steal the guy I love and plus it wouldn't be the first time she's ever done that. Lilith's face became angry, she started attacking me again, her attacks were quick I couldn't keep up. I felt a sharp pain go up my body as I looked at the cut on my stomach. I quickly jabbed my sword into her stomach as her eyes widened.

"You should've just given up." I looked at her eyes with pity

"I...I choice..." She closed her eyes slowly as black blood ran down her mouth.

She slid of my sword as her body rotted and turned into ashes, I looked at her in disgust as I went to go help the guys.



Light and Seraph were getting closed in by Impalers, the cleavers were after me and Envy. They were coming at us from all directions I don't think we are going to survive this round...unless. I looked at Envy I can sense the fear in her, I took out my blade and cut my hand creating the devils cross on it.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Envy yelled

"Being half demon has it's benefits." I smiled

The blood started to crawl up my skin as I kneeled down from the pain, I've never used this form so it's new to me. My skin was fully covered in blood, dark blood, my eyes turned into feline pupils, I grew claws and my teeth became razor sharp. Large blades grew from both of my arms, black armor wrapped around my legs and chest as my guns meshed together and turned into a sword, oh la la sword. Envy looked at me in awe. Cleavers were ready to attack her as I got in front of her and cut them in half, I was faster then those sons of bitches. As another pack of them came charging at us I lifted my hand as a dark power emerged from it killing off all of them.

"Wow.." Envy let out

"Yeah I know." I said surprised

I didn't know I had that much power in me, I looked at Seraphiel and Light struggled I ran in full speed as I spinned forming a tornado, small blades came out of it as each hit a demon. Then I used the dark power and killed them all off, I kneeled down breathing heavily as I turned back to normal. Man that power can suck you dry haha.

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