Chapter 4

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It was a rainy day on that Sunday afternoon, I woke up, complete silence was all that can be heard. The rain fell violently, thunder aroused making me jump, I got up from my bed, I needed to talk to Matt about what happened a week ago with us. I was acting like a fucking brat and it hurt me inside, I wasn't angry at him I was angry at myself for losing that control with him. I opened the door and found darkness laying there in the room, as I turned on the lights a note caught my eye. It was from him....


I will not return home tonight....

I've left you a meal in the fridge....your favorite.

Locked the doors and make sure to walk Patches in the morning since your so forgetful.

I love you


So he wasn't coming home tonight huh? This is my fault, I've in my room all week, I never gave him the light of day. The only time I've ever come out of my room was when I had to work, eat, drink, and use the bathroom I would also come out when he wasn't around. I sinked to the ground still holding the note in my hand, I'm so sorry Matt, I didn't mean to act like this, not to you....My phone ranged I quickly picked it up.


"Um no it's me Miranda"


"Don't have to sound disappointed."

"Sorry Miranda just...I'm not myself today."

"Oh, want to talk about it?"

"Not really..." I trailed off

"Hmm okay well I'm coming over to make you feel better." She giggled

"Ok, bring ice cream"

"Fat ass, I'll be there in a few" She laughed

"Okay see you soon"

I went to go take a shower, washed my hair cause it was starting to get itchy, I whiped the steam off the mirror. Something around my neck caught my eye, I've never seen it before, I had a strange light brown line going around my neck. Maybe I bumped into something or whatnot, I just ignored it and started to blow dry my hair, then quickly changed into something comfortable. The doorbell ranged.

"Here the doorbell thingy doesn't really work so I can't open it!" I threw the keys to her

A few moments later she came through the door carrying a bag with Rocky Road ice cream in her hand.

"Brought your favorite." She said smiling.

"I love you." I said giggling

"So where's Matt."

"He...he's not coming home tonight..." I looked away

"Did something happen between you two?"

"I acted like a brat and I haven't talked to him in over a week just cause I let myself loose."

"You mean..."


"OMG no fucking way you almost slept together."

"Yes Miranda we almost had sex."

"Damn wish I was in your place." She laughed

"Shut up and serve the ice cream" I laughed a little as I handed her two bowls

The night went by quickly, we spent our time talking and laughing about random shit, then she had to go home cause her boyfriend was waiting for her. That's when the night fell lonely again, I was starting to get sleepy but I didn't want to sleep in my bed so I went to sleep in Matt's. I laid there covering myself with his quilt, closing my eyes slowly as I'm praying that he'll come home. My eyes started to close slowly as I slept alone in that dark room.


I heard a scratching noise coming from an alley near by I started to walk faster.

"Hello Dante." A dark figured stood infront of me

"What do you want Lilith?"

"The girl what else."

Lilith came forth from the shadows, her long blonde hair fell elegantly behind her back, her black eyes shined in the dark.

"Your not getting her."

"A deals a deal Dante, you know that..."

"Yeah I know..." I said under my breath

"Well then?"

"Let me have more time, I still don't know what she has hidden."

"You better not let me down Dante, or else your powers will never be returned to you and you will forever be my slave."

She kissed my lips lightly as her sweet breath invaded my body.

"Bye bye Dante..." She banishes


I kept walking with my hands in my pockets, this is ridiculous, I don't even know what the fuck she is, what her abilities are or any of that crap. All I know is that shes a fallen angel, that's because she decided to be one. A dark shadow flew past me...Now what?!

"Well well well, making deals with the lady I see."

"Envy? What the hell are you doing here?"

"Oh nothing just wanted to be part of the fun."

"Always putting your foot where your not wanted huh?"

"Oh shutup I just want to have fun" She giggled

"Fun you think this is fun?"

"Dante you aren't in love with her are you?"

"No, why the fuck would I be in love with her?"

"I don't know she is pretty" She smirked

"Shut up and go back to that hell hole you came from."

"Asshole.."She said blowing me a kiss

I sighed, it's time to go home...


"She's all yours, Seraphiel"

"I could've done it myself you know"

"Please... all you do is stay here and watch the days go by talking about how she is going to be all yours..."


"Nothing to say huh big boy?"

"Just leave..."

"Fine but remember Lucifer isn't patient." She leaves the room as her black gown follows her


"I heard that!"

What the fuck do I care if you did...Don't under estimate me.


I found her laying down in my bed sleeping soundly, she looked so peaceful, in her hand was the note I left her. Why was she still holding that? She moved a little, should I lay next to her or should I just sleep on the couch? What the fuck am I thinking? If I fall for know what I'll just sleep with her, just for tonight... I got into bed cuddling her, she pressed her body against mine as I felt her breath on my chest, I kissed her head and the closed my eyes. Goodnight Olivia.

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