Chapter 13

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"You sent her down there without my permission?!" He bellowed

"Sir she went down there on her own..."

"I see...she needs to come back I cannot afford to lose anymore of my children, I already lost the rarest to that fine..."

"As you wish Father." The soldier bows and leaves

A note appears on his desk.

"What is this?"

He reads the note as his eye's widen.

"No it can't be..."


I was getting frustrated, I was growing tired of being the one who has to be protected. Fuck this! I'm fighting by his side and plus I wanna know who the hell is that angel he was hugging. I ran down the stairs and into the streets, people ran pass me, the smell of sulfur was intense it came from all places.

"DANTE?!" I yelled out

I ran past everyone not minding what was going on.

"Dante where are you?!"

I was starting to panic, I looked back and then I bumped into something. I looked up to find a huge demon in front of me. My eyes widened as I felt it's sharp clawed hands grasp my neck, I wanted to scream for help but I couldn't, I felt an anger surge in my body.

"!" My demonic voice said in unison

My eyes started to glow black as my hand grasped for it's head, a red beam shot out of my hand as it destroyed it's head. I fell on my feet as the thing turned to ashes, dark markings started to spread accross my body, my wings ripped out of my back. I wasn't in full demonic form, I had full control over it. I took flight into the red sky and circled around the city trying to find them, I tried to pick up their scent but with all the demons running around it was impossible. All I can hope for is that they are ok.


There was too many of them, we were growing tired and losing stamina quickly. I made a barrier long enough to protect us until we got to the building. What am I going to explain to Olivia? 'Oh hey Olivia this is Arella my first love...screw you we're done.' I shook the thoughts out of my head.

"Guys to the apartment now!" I yelled

Arella was badly injured, I don't understand why she is down here, she's only a messenger.

"I got you." I said wraping my arm around her for support and putting my other hand around her waist.

"Thanks..." She managed to say

"What the hell are you doing down here? Your not a soldier."

"We' about...this inside." She gave me a stern look.

When we got there I laid her down on the couch and gave her water, I needed to be by her side until she is well enough to be healed. I looked at Envy and Seraphiel as they gave me looks of disgust, what the hell was their problem?

"Hey guys...ohhh who's this?" Olivia came into the room

"This is Arella, a messenger of the Lord and she has a lot of explaining to do." I held her hands

"Olivia what happened to your arm?" Envy yelled, I didn't look

"Oh nothing jut got cut up by some demon."

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