Chapter 10

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My eyes shot open as I found myself looking up at my bedroom ceiling, my head was killing me I sat up and looked around the room to find that guy from my dreams sitting next to me reading a magazine.

"What the fuck?!..." I backed up

"Well it seems your awake." He flipped a page

"Who are you? And why are you in my room?"

"I'm the one who saved your ass and I'm watching over you before you turn." He flipped another page

"Turn? This is a.."

"No this is not a dream." He cut me off

I looked down at my arms to find them covered in dark marks.

"What the?"

"Yup that's part of the process"

"Where's Matt?"

He looked up from the magazine and looked at me, I felt his eyes burn into mine.

"Guys get in here!" He yelled

A beautiful woman came in she kind of looked like Miranda and...


I stood up from my bed and hid behind Dante.

"I forgot she still thinks I want her." He sighed

"Olivia." The woman spoke

Her voice sounded familiar.

"Olivia it's me."


"Yeah, sorry I couldn't tell you who I really was."

"Why would you lie to me, your my best friend."

"Who happens to be half demon, sort of."

"At least your better then Lust that bitch got problems."

"She's LUST! What do you think?"

"Um not to sound rude or anything but we do have to give someone answers quickly cause she's denting her nails into my shoulder!"

"Oh sorry, anyways Seraphiel was never going to come after you or whatever."

"Then why did he keep appearing in my dreams? Why did he come out of nowhere and touched me like he was going to rape me?" Tears started forming

"I'm sorry about that Olivia, that was just an act but I was telling the truth I'm not your brother I never was."


"God sent me to act like your brother to watch over you, until he sent me away to protect you even more."

"What do you mean to protect me?"

"Well your kind of the key to heaven, and besides that you also have a dark half which is a good half which is a dark half."

"Ummmm you lost me there..."

"Ok so basically you are two different kinds of people which is rare in heaven, and that is what makes you different and valuable."

"So why the fuck did God hate me."

"He didn't hate you he wanted you out of heaven so you can be able to lose your powers so no one can come after you and what not."

This was too much to take in way too much, so all of this was to protect me? I need Matt here I need him right now.

"Where is Matt?!"

"Um...Olivia your gonna want to sit down for this..." Envy said


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