Chapter 6

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'Just what do you think you're doing?' I growled at Dave the Head Rep, as my name was called.

'Coming with you; what else?'

'Oh no, I don't think so. There is no way you are coming in to the Dr's with me!'

'But I want to make sure that this gets sorted. Who knows what nonsense you might start spouting if I'm not there to provide direction.'

'But it's private. Tell him Doctor.' I nodded desperately at the young man who was holding open the door to the Doctor's office. God there really is no hope for me, he looks about twelve; all wide eyed and cutie pie cheeks. I bet that I know more than him and I haven't even started Medical School yet.

'I'm afraid she's right Sir.' At last, someone who isn't on first name terms with Dave the Head Rep. That's sure to put his big honking hooter out of joint. 'It's basic patient confidentiality; everyone has the right to speak privately with their doctor.'

'You hear that, Dave?' I waved my fist at him, 'It's my R-I-G-H-T!'

'So if you don't mind,' the boy doctor continued, struggling not to laugh, 'please take a seat and wait patiently until Emma and I have concluded our conversation.' Ha, up yours Mr Select Holidays, that's one more person on this island who's not listening to you. Why I like this guy already.

'Please take a seat,' the boy doctor gestured towards the metal fold out chair which was covered in rotting plastic and spewing brown foam, 'I'm Mr Payne. Liam.'

'Hi,' I nodded, ignoring him, distracted by the old fashioned syringes and sharp metal implements which scattered the room, 'It's like the 1900's in here. You're not going to start operating on me, are you?'

'Not without your consent,' Liam smiled, 'but hey, this stuff makes the NHS appear five star.'

'Yeah,' I laughed.

'So how can I help you Emma? Your boss mentioned something about fainting?'

'Did he also mention what a bell end he is, and if his "love making" didn't keep me up all night then I wouldn't be suffering from chronic exhaustion, and thus would not end up fainting repeatedly.

'So he's your boyfriend as well as your boss?' Liam looked confused.

'What? God no! He goes out with my roommate Katie. Not that I have a clue why she would want to go within an inch of his slimy...

'So exhaustion is your diagnosis?' He interrupted.

'Well it seems pretty obvious to me, although I don't know what you can give me to fix it other than a sick note and the removal of Dave from the island?'

'I don't want to upset you by saying this...' He cleared his throat nervously.

'Okay,' I was cautious about what he might be about to offer, 'Please don't tell me that within the five minutes I've been in here you've performed a full psychoanalysis and have concluded that fainting is my subconscious' way of protecting me from the truth: that I am in fact in love with Dave the Head Rep, because if that's what you're going to say then I will be the one operating on you with that mouldy old scalpel.'

'Ha, psychotherapy isn't on the curriculum for undergrads, so I can't offer you such a clever diagnosis I'm afraid.'

'Oh, then what could you possible say that would upset me?'

'Well, what else do you do here other than work and argue with Dave?' Good question, what else do I do here?

'Because this really is a beautiful place, and you shouldn't have to look too far to find some fun and relaxation, which might help?' God, he sounds like he is the one giving the welcome speech.

'So why don't you enjoy your time off and get out there and have some fun. Let your hair down a little.'


'Yeah, fun, it can't be that hard can it, plus it beats prescription meds.'

'You're absolutely right.' I stood up, enlightened.

'I am?'

'Yes, I do need to let loose and get some fun in the sun. I couldn't have suggested a better medicine myself.'

'Fun in the sun!' He was grinning at me nodding in agreement, like it was also the best advice he'd ever heard.

'You're going to make an excellent doctor, Liam.' And he really is.

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