Chapter 32

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'Hiding in the toilet is a bit pathetic, don't you think?' Harry's voice laughed behind me as I skulked towards the bathroom, guilty that he was right, I am heading there to hide or at the very least to gather my thoughts and formulate a plan to exit without him noticing. But my luck has run out even before he has caught me with my feet hanging out the window, and so with a deep breath...

'I was actually going to powder my nose.' Refusing to reciprocate his glare I played awkward, choosing instead to nonchalantly study my fingernails as if admiring a recent manicure.

'Well at least now I know where you get your attitude from.' He smirked knowingly, edging closer.

'I'm so sorry...' I stammered, backing into the wall. So much for playing it cool when all it takes is one lingering look at those dewy eyes, no bee stung lips, better still those teasing curls, and gush I'm slopped about the floor like a melting ice pop.

'I could have had her charged with assault you know?'

'I know, I really am sorry, there is no excuse for my mother; she's totally crazy, unhinged.'

'Awesome wig by the way.' He Suddenly changed the conversation away from confrontation, surprising me by raising his hand just inches from my face, twirling a length of the pink bobbed wig I was wearing between his thumb and forefinger.

'It's for "Reps Night".' I struggled to speak, 'Dave makes us all dress up. It's quite humiliating really, not to mention vulgar.'

'I have to disagree, it's definitely not vulgar, I was thinking more....' His voice trailed as he leaned closer. 'God Emma, you're so hot anyway but in that wig you're driving me even more crazy than usual.'

'I bet you say that to all the girls?' I was choking, embarrassed by his brazen words.

'Not really.'

The room was spinning as Zorbs now throbbed around us, the collective hips of "Reps Night's" finest now beginning to swing to the swarthy tones of Enrique Iglesias's "Bailamos".

'I've not seen you for a week; you just disappeared.' His thick voice laced like treacle in my ear. He's right, I've kept any thought of him hidden, banished for a greater succession of days than I would have thought possible, but as I look up at him now, through heavy hazy eyes, I'm devoid of further excuses, unable to deny it any longer.

My hands reached up to his hair and I pulled his head down, his mouth meeting mine hungrily. With his hands reaching for my waist, eagerly pulling me closer, I swooned, reaching to feel his tense chest under his thin t-shirt. This was really happening. Again. Except this time he started it.

'Don't you dare fucking touch her ever again!' Screaming words of anger swirled into my ears, but my brain refused to process them, it's capacity consumed by the excitement of kissing Harry, unable to believe that I had such a hot specimen within my grasp, and who judging by the way he was kissing me with force and grabbing desperately at my waist felt just as lucky as me.

'Did you hear me? You're scum!' The voice was louder, determined to be acknowledged despite my best efforts to ignore it.

'What the hell?' Harry groaned as Adonis lunged in to him. What was happening? Why was Adonis attacking Harry?

'I cannot help it if she threw herself at me.' Adonis was screeching, his hands held up in surrender and causing me to realise that he wasn't attacking Harry at all, but had in fact been thrown into him, the resulting impact of Dave the Head Reps spewing aggression.

'What the hell do you think you're doing?' I screamed at Dave the Head Rep, more livid that it would have to be him to be the destructive factor in my one moment of pleasure, than any concern I might have for either his or Adonis's well being.

'I was just going to ask the same of you Emma?' Another male voice spoke from behind us, it's anger moving the spotlight of drama away from Adonis and Dave's fracas and and instead beaming down shamefully upon my now suddenly guilty head.

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