Chapter 36

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'Erm, so is this something you'd like me to help you with?' Liam was a strange concoction of pale giddiness, a line of moisture now forming on his upper lip.

'Help me with what?' I was distracted.

'Erm...the sex.' He whispered, coughing.

'God no!' I snapped, before returning to attack the table cloth. 'I'm sorry,' I regained my composure, 'I shouldn't be so short with you,' I back tracked, guilty at my flippant rebuttal of Liam, someone who should be an ideal candidate to share an intimate moment with. 'I shouldn't have even mentioned it. I obviously don't need to have sex. With anyone. Ever.'

'You don't?' His dejection was obvious.

We both sighed, Liam now fidgeting with the cushion cover of his chair whilst I returned to my table cloth. The minutes ticked by silently. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Harry's silhouette leaving the room. At last I was free to eyeball a greedy inspection of their table. Rebecca was absent too. Where had they gone? Had he actually left without saying goodbye? I shouldn't be so naïve as to expect otherwise from someone of his arrogance, someone who one minute is demanding that I kiss him, and the next thing is ignoring me like I've ruined is life or something as equally histrionic.

Shit, he's back. I dropped my fork and lowered my head, drawing my shoulders in to a ball trying poorly to appear invisible. But the temptation was too much and I stealthily nudged my head to an angle so that no one could tell that I was actually looking at him.

'Look!' Liam was suddenly cross, his tone causing me to sit up straight in my chair nervously. 'If you'd rather go spend the evening with Harry then just go.'

'What?' I'm shocked at his ignorance. 'What on earth would give you that idea? I can't think of anything worse.'

'Oh I don't know, maybe the way you two are always secretly staring at each other; and I don't just mean tonight.'

'I've done no such thing!'

'Emma, you are so far in denial; you've practically desecrated that table since he got here and then started eluding to your feelings of frustration. It's obvious'

'I am not in denial!' I spat, ignoring any trust there may be in the rest of his little speech, only able to focus my anger on the same words that Harry had previously spoken.

'I caught you kissing him!' He sounded pained. 'I was a fool to peruse you after that, but I let my ego get in the way, and we were having a lovely time to boot.'

'I know we were. We still can.'

'Do you know what the problem is?' He was angry again, his nostrils flaring; but if he dares to mention another word about my denial then I shan't hesitate in chucking my newly re-filled glass of wine at him.

'The problem is you don't know what you want,' he wasn't waiting for me to answer, 'no actually you do, it's just you can't commit to one option.'

'How dare you!' I was livid at his suggestion.

'That's right, behave just like your mother and throw it at me.' I stopped in my tracks, guiltily looking down at the glass I was now holding in my hand and ready to pelt at full force.

'Where are you going?' I panicked as he stood up from his chair, his athletic frame forming a thunder cloud over the table. Surely Liam isn't about to storm out and leave me here, alone, in the middle of nowhere, and without paying too? Yet that scenario was suddenly preferable for somehow instead he was unbelievably storming over to Harry's table.

'Stop!' He ignored my order.

'Is everything okay Liam?' For once Miss Ditz had perfect timing, her return bringing a swift neutrality to the fight which was only a slither of a second away from unravelling.

'I'm afraid everything isn't okay Rebecca.' Liam was stern. 'You and I need to leave.'

'We do?' She was a mix of worry and excitement.

'I'm sorry to ruin your evening; damn it even your "friendship" with Harry, but you and I need to leave Harry and Emma here.' To my surprise Harry nodded his agreement with Liam to Rebecca.

'Let's go settle the bill and then we'll go. I'll let Harry take you home.' He nodded at me.

He actually meant it. My mouth hangs to the floor as I watch Liam and Rebecca exit down the steps together. I can't believe he's left me here. For real. And with Rebecca on his arm I can't believe that he almost looks pleased about it.

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