Chapter 14

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Forgive me Father for I have sinned. Wait scrap that, forgive me Mother, please? For she is the one who will never let me forget this, forget the shame I would bring to the family if anyone ever found out, that I have lowered my standards and snogged a barman, and a northern barman too. Not that she can be one to flaunt a faultless record, since I highly suspect she committed at least a few faux pas during one of her many holidays to Majorca in the 80's; her perm being just one of them.

But still, after such a reckless transgression with Harry (senior mixologist my bum!), I'm really quite relieved to be spending the evening enjoying the sensibilities of Liam, a soon to be qualified doctor. Okay so we might be doing something as odd as watching a fire all the way over in Albania, but at least I can guarantee that we're not going to get in to a fight about it, and I'm sure that he's got enough self respect than to just throw himself at me. Which is exactly what Harry did. It categorically did not happen the other way around. I mean, as if I would ever throw myself at someone, especially him and his brooding eyes and stupid hairdo. He clearly took advantage of me when I was drunk, which proves my original belief; that he is in fact a pig.

'Aren't you getting a drink?' Liam startled me, causing me to notice that I was clutching my fist in a ball, my nails stabbing in to my palms.

'No I thought I'd wait for you here on the wall. The barman, Adonis, annoys me. He's a bit of a wild animal around lone women, fancies himself as the resident stud.' Until he recruited that buffoon from Runcorn and got himself a rival slime ball. God I hope he's not working tonight, I can't bear to have to look at him. Although if he sees me with Liam then maybe he'll figure out that he in no way stands any sort of chance with me. Ever.

'Well I'm here now, so I'll do my best to keep Adonis at bay.' Liam smiled, 'take a seat,' he pulled out one of Granny's chairs for me. 'So what are you reading?' He nodded at the book I was carrying with me.

'Introductory endocrinology.' I beamed at the thought of one of my favourites; I absolutely can't wait for reproduction next year.

'Introductory endocrinology?' The confusion of his voice reflected that of his face. 'But I thought you're supposed to be having fun?'

'I am, I happen to find endocrinology fascinating.'

'I don't want to sound judgemental,' he continued, 'but I'm intrigued. Why does a holiday rep need to read about endocrinology?'

'It's not need it's want.' I defended. 'plus you're not the only one clever enough for medicine you know. I'm starting this year.'

'Really.' He looked elated, like he'd just drawn the winning lotto ticket. 'That's amazing, although I wouldn't get too excited, endocrinology is incredibly boring.'

'Shut up, it is not, especially the menstrual cycle; it's fascinating the way all the hormones interact with each other, and the word corpus luteum, how cool is that?' I giggled to myself, 'it's far more exciting than your boring old spermatogenesis.'

'and a bit weird too,' he was grimacing, 'let's say I prefer the more people focused aspects of medicine.'

'Now that is boring.' I laughed.

'Something funny?' Ugh, of course Harry was here, and typically doing his best half smiling act, like he's just read my diary and knows all my secrets. Not that he'd ever find a line about himself in there, that's for sure.

'Do you know him?' Liam looked confused as he indicated over to Harry, who out of the corner of my eye I could see was now leaning against the bar. I was getting used to Liam's confused look. Maybe it's that he simply can't grasp my sophisticated humour, although that would seem a bit odd for someone who is about to become a doctor.

'Do I know who?' I pretended to join his confusion, displaying my most perplexed face, something normally reserved for Dave the Head Rep when he asks me to meet and greet the Manchester arrivals.

'The guy at the bar. The one who thinks he's Tom Cruise in Cocktail. He's staring at us.'

'God no,' I answered without even looking up from my drink, 'of course I don't know him, and I wouldn't worry,' I distracted, 'he does that to all the girls. The barmen here are proper sluts; they're not even deterred by a woman being accompanied by another man.'

'Or the fact that he's here with another woman.'

'He's what?' I jumped to attention.

Of course he's here with another woman. Like I should be surprised. Why am I surprised? Or more specifically, why am I bothered? He's got nothing to do with me, I don't even know him, so he can come and go as he pleases.

'God she's pretty.' I sneered, unable to prevent myself from looking any longer.

'Who is?' Again Liam looked confused.

'What? No one. Sorry, I'm just rambling.' Still more confusion. Despite having an IQ of probably 150 this boy is seriously lacking in emotional intelligence. Who does he think I'm talking about? Oh, the woman whose existence he has just pointed out to me maybe?

Look at her, all long straight blonde hair and long golden limbs. All so very, very long. And luscious. Yuck. The exact opposite of my pasty white arse. There is no way that girl is English, unlike me who is so obviously English; just look at my tan lines, I'm like a piece of streaky bacon. Please let her be stupid. And mean. She has to be, because if she is anything other than those qualities then I am going to stab a knife in to my stomach. Right now.

'Look Emma,' Liam was waggling his index finger forward whilst shuffling about in his seat giddily, 'it's the fires!'

'Oh yeah, wow.' I feigned enthusiasm, squinting to see the orange blob which was appearing faintly amongst the otherwise blackness.

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