Chapter 30

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'I got here as fast as I could.' Liam jogged through the arrivals lounge, his brow glistening and his caramel locks dishevelled from his haste. 'Are you okay Emma?' He flung his arms around me, leaving me shocked by the strangely comforting smell of his aftershave.

'Apart from being tortured by Dave, yeah I'm fine.'

'Spare us the romantic reunion,' Dave grabbed at Liam's collar, 'what took you so long?'

'I was in clinic and then I had to get down here on just a moped,' Liam broke from Dave the Head Reps grasp, 'so I think what you were actually meaning to say is "I'm so grateful to you for giving up your time and travelling so far to help me."'

'Yeah of course, we're all friends here, big guy,' Dave the Head Rep gathered himself, offering Liam a hearty slap on the back, 'but I've got a problem Doc. I need to talk to you. Alone.' He glared at me.

'Oh come on Dave,' I grinned at him, 'it would be good for my experience to try and help diagnose you, plus what's patient confidentiality between friends?' I winked.

'This is not funny Emma, I might have something seriously wrong with me!'

'Well that's exactly why I want to help you.'

'I doubt it, so keep out!' He dragged Liam in to his office, slamming the door into my wounded face. What could be so wrong with him that he needs to speak to Liam so urgently? If it was an actual medical emergency then surely he would have called for an ambulance, plus he didn't look like he had a fever, just really uncomfortable somehow.

I strained my neck struggling to make out anything distinguishable through the privacy film which covered the window to his office. Why is he being so secretive? Maybe it's something actually serious, like he's found a lump or something, and dear God here I am mocking him. I really need to start being objective towards my patients needs and not let my opinions of whatever obnoxious personality traits they might be displaying get in the way of an accurate diagnosis.

Wait, that's the right angle, I could see him shuffling back and forth whilst Liam sat in the chair. He's standing directly in front of Liam now. Good grief what's he doing? Oh no I can't believe I'm watching this. Dave the Head Rep is opening his fly and in front of Liam!

'There's film on that window for a reason you know.' Katie's familiar voice had caught me. 'Dave would have a fit if he'd caught you snooping like that.'

'I......' I gulped down, a dizzy mess of guilt and trauma, with my back now pressed to the window.

'Anyway, I'm so glad you're here.' She is? I thought she was about to read me the riot act, but judging from the fraught look in her eyes I can only assume that she's been worried for me.

'Its alright Katie, I've not lost my place.' I grinned reassuringly.

'What place?' She was confused.

'My place at Medical School, that's why I had to rush back to England.'

'Oh right, great, but anyway I really need to talk to you.'

'About something else?' Should could at least feign some relief that my future career has not been sacrificed as a consequence of my mothers carelessness.

'Yeah, it's um, kind of private.' She whispered.

'Private?' Something strange was occurring for she too was pacing back and forth in a shuffling motion, her thighs clamped together tightly.

'Is it medical?' I hesitated.

'Uh hu,' she nodded, tears forming in her eyes.

'Oh Emma, it won't stop itching and burning.' She sobbed.

'What won't?' I braced myself.

'Down there. Oh Emma, please, I need you to help me.'

'Katie' What are you doing here?' The office door swung open and Dave the Head Rep stammered.

'I, um...' She was at it too. 'I, um, had a break from Departures. Oh look Liam's here.' She diverted the conversation.

'Yes he came to pick Emma up from her flight.' Dave the Head Rep lied. 'But I just wanted to catch him and ask him to come to the Reps party on Saturday.'

'You did?' I asked, now totally confused.

'Yeah, well you're never gonna have the guts to ask him yourself, so I thought I'd help you out a bit,' his teeth were clenched, aiding me to support his lie, 'that's what friends do for each other.' He emphasised the word friends.

'Well that's just lovely.' Katie cut the conversation short, 'but I've got to get back to Departures.'

'Yeah me too, I mean, I've got the coach up the coast to sort, so righto, see you all later.' And with that they scarpered off in opposite directions.

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