Chapter 27

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As if aware of the suffocating tightness growing in my chest, he lifted his left hand to my neck, the outer side of its palm tracing down along my collarbone, more like the teasing edge of a knife than any object about to offer rescue. I thought I might die right then, for I was definitely never to breathe again, if he kept his hand in its place, unless, another step forward, so close now that he was able to wrap his right hand around the top of my hip, pulling me in to him, our chests now touching as I looked up at him, sinking, about to becoming a fair maiden fainting in his arms. Get a grip Emma! Don't pass out now, just as his tongue has invitingly appeared between his reddened lips.

'Breathe.' I whispered, at last letting out a sigh and signalling that this was the moment. The world was now orbiting at increasing rotation around us as the attraction between us formed the new centre point of gravity. Leaning in I felt his breath, 'Please just do it.' I whimpered. A big smile.

'Emma, darling, are you there?' My mother's concerned voice broke the silence, the energy between us now whisking away like the tail end of a tornado reaching back up in to the sky. A look of despair at a another failed moment.

'Shh.' I held my index finger to my lips, indicating that if we were still then she might carry on walking without noticing us. As Harry's eye's lowered I realised that I had subconsciously placed the palm of my own right hand flat on to his white t-shirt, his chest moving up and down still slowly beneath my hand but failing to mask his rapid heartbeat.

'Emma, I'm worried about you. Are you hurt?' She was obviously panicking. 'If you can hear me then give me a sign.' Maybe if a bird could just do a poo on her head right now she'd be satisfied with my security and be done looking for me. 'Please.' She begged.

'I'm sorry,' I broke from Harry's hand which was now clasping on to my bicep, 'I can't let her think something's happened to me, she'll have the Police out looking for me.' Ignoring his now familiar look of disappointment I stepped out of the bushes, brushing away the swarm of sticky buds which has attached themselves to my jeans.

'It's okay Mother, I'm here.' My voice was flat.

'What on Earth are you doing in the bushes Emma? And in the dark too? Oh!...' I didn't need to turn around to know that Harry had followed behind me.

'I guess I'll see you later then.' He nodded sheepishly before walking off back towards Zorb's, the silhouette of his long torso highlighted softly by the flickering street light.

'Was that the waiter from the bar we were at?' He fright was apparent. 'Has he done something to you?' She grabbed at my arm. 'You're covered in scratches!'

'I caught my top on a twig.'

'Oh, then what were you doing loitering in the bushes with that young man?' I was silent, devoid of excuses. 'Answer me!'

'I, umm, Harry, umm.'

'I see.'

I couldn't help but giggle at her inference.

'Emma, this isn't funny. I don't know what's happening here but Liam's waiting for you.'

'I don't know why he would do that.' Liam is lovely but my mother's obvious aspirations for our relationship are causing my irritation at her to deflect on to him, like it's his fault.

'Because you need to say goodbye to him.'

'Goodbye?' I was confused. 'But I'm not going anywhere.'

'I'm afraid that's not that case.' She was stern. 'Your father's just had the Dean on the phone. It's something to do with your place next year. They need you to fly back to England and go speak with them.'

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