Chapter 9

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At last a day off from that most wicked of conveyor belts. It really is abhorrent how little free time I'm allowed in this job, but apparently neither Select Holidays or the Greek Authorities are that much concerned with employment laws or human rights in general.

And how so much of this lush land has been missed by wasting my time in that stupid Rep's outfit and fighting with Dave the Head Rep, when I could have been taking in what a treat it really is here.

Just looking out at the horizon you can totally understand how the myths were created. The sea, not azure blue like that of Caribbean dreams, but instead a flat pool of ink topped by a simmering rim of heat, until in the distance the stark land of Albania rises from the sea; the Cyclops striding past any moment now.

'Have you seen it burning on a night time?' I squinted in to the sunlight, recognising the male silhouette standing in front of me. I shook my head. Other than my apartment, the airport and Zorb's I have hardly seen anything. I might as well be in Manchester or somewhere equally as rotten.

'The Albanian's burning the land. It's so basic.'

'It sounds beautiful.' I spoke dreamily.

'It is.' Liam, shuffled about, suddenly uncomfortable now that our small talk had concluded.

'Do you want to sit down?' I tried to calm his nervousness by suggesting that he join me on the wall where I was sitting cross legged starring out to sea.

'Emma, I'm not supposed to ask this since you're my patient, but hey I don't know many people here either.' He was rambling, 'so if you're not busy one evening, you're more than welcome to join me at Zorb's and we can look out at the fires?'

'Umm...' Is he asking me on a date? If he is then I'm not sure how to respond; I mean Liam is very sweet, and clearly has great credentials, but I don't want to give him the wrong idea, since I'm absolutely not looking for a relationship; I can barely look after myself!

Stop jumping ahead of yourself Emma, he's only asked you to meet him for a drink, and as he quite rightly pointed out, I have no friends here and need to have some fun, so spending the evening with a good looking soon to be doctor, sipping wine and enjoying the scenery sounds like a jolly good offer to any one in their right mind, and categorically does not equate to an offer of marriage.

'That sounds great.' I grinned.

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