Chapter 8

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'How can I help?' The imposing young man knelt down next to the glass coffee table which was decorated with a jug full of cocktail umbrellas, pink plastic flamingos and a rainbow of miniature feather boas attached to a stick.

'You wanna show these girls a good time my brother?' Adonis slammed his hand across the barman's back.

'Excuse me Adonis,' I spat at him, 'how do you know that we're even looking for a good time, and even if we are, what makes you think we would be looking for it with you two?'

'Your red wine.' The barman, either ignoring Adonis or subtly deflecting the conversation, placed a glass down on the table in front of me.

Good God, he looked like a young Michael Hutchence, all long wavy brown hair, and his eyes and smile, both taunting with their subtle twinkle, making me believe that I must be imagining it. It was completely different to the overbearing sexuality of Adonis, but instead raw and knowing.

'Thanks.' I grabbed the glass not knowing where to look. Just look at the ground Emma, that's the safest option, but above all do not, ever, look back in to those green eyes again. Stop with this; am I embarrassed? Why am I embarrassed? This is Adonis and his dumbass barman, remember. And a misogynistic dumbass at that.

'Whoa, intense!' Katie grinned once they'd left.

'What is?' Just appear confused Emma and she might forget what she's talking about.

'That guy looking at you and you looking at him.' Damn, she saw it. So it wasn't just my imagination. 'Here I was thinking you were all set for the doctor, but now I'm not so sure.'

'I was doing nothing of the sort, and I'm not "set" for either of them.'

'Okay, then why have your cheeks suddenly gone bright red? And don't try to tell me it's your blusher because they definitely didn't look like that five minutes ago.' Katie sure has some crazy flights of fantasy. Why can't she just accept that not everyone is so desperate for a shag that they are willing to stoop to the lows of Dave the Head Rep and his cronies? She is an idiot, and I am in no way about to recognise that my cheeks are in fact flaming like hell!

'It's just hot in here okay? We are in the Mediterranean during summer remember?' Foolishly I glanced back at the bar, only to see Harry was standing staring at us, silently drying a beer glass with a towel. A mistake this was for now my eyes were stinging too. 'I need another one.' I slammed the glass on the table as I gulped down my wine in one go.

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