Chapter 24

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Thank gosh Daddy knows emotional intelligence (well he is a psychiatrist after all), and unlike Mother has not rudely, and incorrectly, assumed that Liam is my boyfriend, but still do we have to go through this embarrassing rigmarole, an uninvited declaration of affection from my Mother, now fawning over Liam more than me, the assumed subject of her visit, and in front of Harry too.

'So why are you even here?' I cut to the point; they've only just returned from a week at Lake Garda for Gods sake so can hardly be in need of the relaxation.

'Oh Emma, we're so worried about you,' Mother slung her head in to her hands, suddenly sobbing, 'you sound so down each time we talk to you,' so she does have some perception after all, 'and so your father and I decided that we needed to see for ourselves that you're okay. Otherwise I shan't be able to sleep another wink through worry.'

'Well why don't you try being a Rep,' I spat, my months of repressed anger now spewing forth like a foaming volcano, 'then you'll understand sleep depravation; it's not all sun and frivolity you know, it's not one of your holidays in Majorca.'

'But we talked about this Darling, that after the Napa winery job fell through, that you couldn't just sit around all summer day dreaming about going out with One Direction.'

'Hardly,' I defended, 'I don't even like One Direction. You really don't have a clue Mother.'

'Well whatever romantic musical ideas you might be having, it's not realistic, and so we agreed that this job would be a good character building exercise, that it would get you used to working with different types of people.'

'Well it's certainly done that,' I laughed, 'and you can meet some of them for yourselves when you check in to Pegasus Towers.'

'Can I get you something to drink?' I dragged myself from this woeful conversation to see Harry looking equally woeful at me: his already wide eyes now heavy with dejection and frustration. Not that I can blame him; he must be livid with me, not only for leaving him hanging, but now for ignoring him too, having being caught up in the wave of chaos which descends where ever Mother does land.

'A red wine for you Emma?' He looked directly at me, our vision locked together as he awaited my answer.

'A red wine!' Mother scoffed, 'you know you're only supposed to drink dry rose in the Med, Emma.'

'Umm, a dry rose please.' I mumbled, looking at the ground shamefully.

'And for the rest of you?' He was clearly irritated by my sudden change of fancy.

'Well I'd appreciate a smile from my waiter please,' Mother scolded at Harry's obvious apathy, 'and then another glass of dry rose for me, a local beer for Terrance, and whatever Liam would like.'

'Dr?' As Harry respected Mothers wishes and displayed a large toothy grin I'm certain I heard him cough 'dishwash' under his breath.

'Just, um, a beer please.' Liam stammered, clearly aware of the slight smirk which I was unsuccessfully hiding.

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