Chapter 22

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Game Day


The whole team skipped class, including Bek and some of the girls, and now we were all at the pack house. Pre-game excitement damn near vibrated in the air as everyone was hyped for the homecoming game. This was our time to shine, to show what we've got. Alphas from all over will come to watch, judging who's got it and who doesn't. Unfortunately my father won't make it. I could feel a growl of disappointment form in my chest. He had always been more supportive, came to all my games, and approved of my progress as alpha. I just get my mother. God the woman was brutal.

Rogers's elbow in my side pulled my from my thoughts.
"Ain't that right, Marxian!" He jeered.

"Huh?" I starred at him. I had missed the entire conversation.

"We're gunna squash Tourmaline!" Zeke butt in before tossing his empty Gatorade bottle Kobe style into the trash.

"Oh, hell yeah!" I replied, trying to cover up the fact that I had zoned out.

The guys cheered but Rogers stepped closer and whispered so only I could hear. "Hey man, you ok?"

"Yeah, just ready for the game."  I lied. I should know better than to lie to Rogers... He just starred at me in return. "Alright, I'm a bit nervous. Get off my back." I grab a drink out of the fridge and walk to the living room.

"We've been killing it at practice and your plays are flawless." Rogers follows me. "And if it's about Tobias, I doubt he'll try anything. There will be too many eyes."

I hate when he's right. "There's a lot riding on this game. And my fucking mother is coming." I plop onto the couch and take a sip.

"Ah, bingo." He shoots a finger gun at me and plops down next to me. "She's such a delight."

"She wants to meet Bek." I reply between gulps, remembering the phone conversation this morning.

Aleha: "I'm sorry honey, but your father can't make it. He's strung up at the firm. Some big case, but I'll be there."

Marxian: "It's alright mom, you don't have to come."

Aleha: "Marxian, don't be ridiculous, I love watching you play and at least one alpha has to make an appearance. Who knows who all will be there." It's always about appearance with her.

Marxian: "Alright, mom."

Aleha: "Besides, I want to meet this girl you've been talking about."

Girl? What...damn it dad! He told her about Bek!

Marxian: "She's going to be busy with the game and will probably want to hang with her friends after, I doubt you'll get the chance." Hopefully she'll leave it alone. I only told my father that Bek existed but left out the fact that she's an elf.

Aleha: "You've marked her, have you not? I'm going to meet her." I should have known better.

Marxian: "Alright, I'll see what I can do."

Aleha: "Good, now I'll see you later honey!"

Marxian: "Bye mom."

Rogers sucked in through his teeth. "She doesn't know Astril's an elf, does she?"


Rogers just nods and slaps my knee before getting up. "Good luck buddy."

"Thanks." I sigh as I lay my head on the back of the couch. There's a lot riding on this game tonight and I can't afford to fuck it up.


I left Marxian on the couch to check on a few more of the guys. Everyone is buzzing for the game tonight, and while I am too, it's not the only thing on my mind. Tobias will show up for the game, his career depends on it, both in football and in a pack. I meant what I said to Marxian, he won't try anything big with so many eyes watching him. But that doesn't mean he won't try something sneaky. And of course his main target is Astril. He believes she is contaminating the pack, clouding Marxian's judgement.

Tobias can't see how wrong he is. Astril has only made the pack stronger, brought us closer together. Everyone has changed since she came along and I like to think it's for the better. 

Back in the kitchen, a bunch of the girls were at the table. Their chatter drown out by Zeke and Matthew's arm wrestling match on the kitchen island. Surely they are talking about their plans for after game. Win or lose, we always have a bonfire and keg out in the woods. With it being THE game of season, tonight's celebrations are gunna be big. I lean back on the counter and pretend to be interested in the arm wrestling but I'm really watching Astril.

I know I shouldn't but, I can't help but think about her. Even now as she talks with her friends, she's beautiful. Her silver hair glimmers in the sunlight from the window and the tips of her ears just barely poking through. Her lips part just slightly as Tawnie says something to her. Her violet eyes are mystical, luring me in and trapping me in her spell.

She brushes a piece of hair back behind her ear, revealing her mark. My wolf stirs as anger begins to burn in my chest. How dare Marxian claim her without appreciating how powerful she really is. Simply treating her like property and then hiding her from his family. She deserves so much more...

"Rogers! Catch!"

I turn to see Zeke tossing a football my way. We're did you get a football?! Weren't you just arm wrestling? I catch it and dodge as several others try to tackle me. It's all a blur until I'm knocked into the beer pong table, collapsing it completely.

"Damn it Rogers! You made me spill on my new shirt!" Krystal swears at me but I can't help but laugh. A tinkling laughter joins me own next me and I look over to see Astril on the ground. I must have knocked her over when I hit the table. Fuck, I hope I didn't hurt her.

"Shit, you ok?" I roll onto my knees and offer her a hand.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" She answers between laughs. God, her laugh is infectious. I pull her up to her feet, her hand lingering in mine for just a moment. Her scent hits my nose and all my senses go haywire. She slips away and my eye catches sight of Marxian standing in the doorway. He looks pissed.

His eyes lock on mine and a silent message is received loud and clear. Don't touch my girl!

I turn and go upstairs to get away for a moment. His possessiveness over her burns me alive, but he's right. I can't touch her, no matter how badly I want to.


We all just agreed to get ready together after the game when the boys started acting up, ending in Rogers getting tackled into the table. Next thing I knew, I was on the floor rolling with laughter.

"You ok?" Rogers turns to me. Even though he is laughing himself, I can see the concern in his eyes. He's afraid he's hurt me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say before he helps me to my feet. His hand lingers on mine and my heartbeat quickens, matching the pulse in his own palm. What is going on with him?

Before I can say thank you, his smile drops and he leaves. I turn to see Marxian in the doorway of the kitchen looking like he's about ready to shift.

"What's your problem?" I ask, feeling a bit heated. Is he seriously upset that Rogers helped me up? God, he's unbearable!

"You seem to forget your place." His voice was low and dripping with venom. Rage engulfed me.

"My place?!" I burst, not even caring if everyone else hears.

"You belong to me, Bek." He growls at me. Surely now, the whole house is watching as you could hear a pin drop.

"I belong to no one but myself! You think being alpha means to get to lay claim on everyone and control them to your liking? Well, you're wrong. You're no leader, you're a dictator!" I shove him out of my way and storm out the house. I dare you to follow me! Except you won't, you don't want to look bad in front of your pack.

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