Chapter 18

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I make the rules huh? I stand my ground and don't move. I don't know what their plan is but I refuse to let them scare me. I spent years hiding, being the timid little elf that hid her ears in fear of discrimination. Now, I'm literally in the wolves den and faced with a decision. Do I cower and let Marxian save me? Or do I prove myself as a good mate for an alpha and a powerful elf?

I chose strength.

Rogers walks slowly around me, circling me like a wolf circling his prey, sizing me up. Marxian stands still, waiting for me to make my move.

"I make the rules." I repeat his words, letting the sound of them fuel my courage.

"What are you going to do, little elf?" Rogers sneers. "You're cornered, outnumbered."

I don't take my eyes off of Marxian, taking a deep breath and allowing the fire inside me to grow, consume everything in me. I'm drunk, high on adrenaline, and in the presence of two male wolves. What the fuck am I going to do?

My brain shuts off and my body moves on its own, stepping forward and reaching up to take off Marxian's mask. I toss it behind me and tangle me fingers in his hair, reaching up on my tip toes to kiss him. He almost stumbles, surprised by my advance, but wraps his arms around my waist to steady himself and kisses me back, hard and hungry. I can taste the cheap vodka he's been drinking but I don't care. My own buzz creates a fuzz in my brain that keeps me going. There's no turning back now.

Rogers stands to the side, watching us. His breath is heavy and I can smell his scent mix in with Marxian's. I continue kissing Marxian, pressing my body into him along with the beat of the music from downstairs. It's some female rapper and I can't help but pull inspiration from her voice. Sexy, unapologetic, and powerful. I push Marxian to the bed, forcing him to sit on the edge. I begin dancing, swirling my hips and dipping into his lap.

"Rogers, get out." Marxian orders him but I turn to face him instead.

"No, he can stay." I shoot a look at Rogers before giving one to Marxian. "He's deserves some fun to. Let him watch if he wants." Marxian doesn't protest and Rogers sinks into the couch and faces us, mask still on.

I begin dancing again, putting on my best show for both of them. I don't know why I said he could stay. I mean, I like Rogers and he's been a good friend but before tonight, I never thought of him that way. I have Marxian. But tonight, things are different. It's halloween and there are no rules.

I kick off my boots and slip my fingers into the hem of my shorts, pulling them down slowly as I move my hips to the rhythm. My back is turned to Marxian, giving him the most of the show but I lock my gaze onto the bright red x's across the room. Rogers sits back in the couch completely still but I can see his chest rise and fall quickly. I hear Marxian growl behind me as my shorts drop. His hands grab my hips and feels them through the fishnet tights. I throw my head back as his lips meet my lower back. Warmth rushes through my entire body, fueling the fire.

I've got both of them and I know it. I slide my hands up my body, finding the bottom hem of my top. Rogers lets out a low growl and I smile. Continuing my tease, I pull my top over my head, freeing my breasts. The cold air hits my nipples immediately, making them harden and perk up. I look at Rogers who looks like he's ready to pounce and I sit in Marxian's lap. Marxian's hands slide up my body and his lips move over my neck. I moan with his touch. It feels so fucking good and Roger's watching only makes it hotter.

Marxian pushes me off his lap and stands up, grabbing my hips and pulling me back into him. My eyes stay on Rogers as Marxian's hands move over my body.

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