Chapter 4

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His lips were soft, and even though his warm skin still smelled of smoke, they tasted of honey. Marxian kissed by back gently, using one hand to cradle my face and hold it close to his. The tingling sensation once again spread over my skin, but this time, it was warm and felt more like butterfly wings fluttering just above the surface. What is happening to me?

I've kissed other people before, several of my friends in fact. It wasn't unheard of back home to show affection in casual yet intimate ways. I mean hell, I've even slept with several friends just for the sake of free love and expression. That's just how elves are. But this, this was different. It was almost as if my soul itself was being kissed. Magic flowed through me like gentle waves that crashed into my heart.

A quiet growl brought me back to my senses. The rumble purred against my chest. Is that Marxian? Is he...growling? I pulled back in surprise. His eyes flashed open to find mine, confusion and wonder flashing in them.

"I...uh...Thank you, for saving me." I stuttered, looking quickly to the ground.

"Uh, yeah. You're welcome." He cleared his throat. We sat there in awkward silence, watching the last of the fire get put out. People scattered around us but none of them seemed to have witnessed our kiss.

"I should find Tawnie and probably head home to rest." I stood up and brushed off my jeans. Scorch marks stained the denim. These were my favorite bell bottoms... I thought sadly. Marxian stood up with me and grabbed my elbow as I nearly fell over. My balance went to shit apparently.

"Sure. Do you want me to walk you home?" He asked, still holding me.

"No thanks, I think I can manage. Just stood up too fast." I weakly smiled at him but he didn't budge.

"You sure you don't need help?" He tried to step closer but I took a step back.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I chuckled. "You've already helped enough."

"Alright." He dropped his hand, sounding defeated. "Get home safe ok?"

"OK. Thanks again." I waved awkwardly as I began walking off.

"Anytime Bek." He called after me. I threw him another half smile over my shoulder and set out to find Tawnie.

She was checking in with the medics when I found her. We both got cleared and walked to our dorm that was luckily only a block away.

"What a day." Tawnie groaned as she plopped face down onto her bed.

"You're telling me." I added as I started the shower. I stunk of smoke and the ash under my clothes was starting to make me itch.

"Speaking of telling, what is up with you and Marxian Green?" She rounded the corner and stood with her back to me as I undressed and hopped in.

"I don't even know what to tell you. We've been at the same college for 2 years now and suddenly he's all interested in me." I explain.

"Clearly. The guy just ran into a burning building to save your life!" Tawnie scoffed.

"He must want something. I mean he's, him, and I'm, well me. Our kinds don't ever interact."

"You need to stop victimizing yourself Astril. So what if you're an elf. People don't care about that kind of shit anymore." She lectured me from the other side of the curtain.

I just sigh. "Easy for you to say. Vamps get instant, mad respect here. Have you ever had to retake a test you aced simply because your professor thought it just seemed a little "sketchy"?"

"Professor Griggs is an old, grumpy, racist who doesn't count. He hates everyone."

"Fair point." I chuckle.

After my shower, we both go straight to bed. I fall asleep quickly due to exhaustion from the day's events, but not before re-living that kiss in my head. What the fuck had I done?


I watched Astril walk off to find her roommate, the taste of her lips lingering on mine. I don't know why I ran in to save her, I just knew had to. Tawnie was hysterical when her friend didn't come out after her and my instincts took over. And I shifted. That's not something I do often.

Despite the ridiculous ideas humans have come up with, we only shift when we need to and it's our wolf side that decides, not us and not because of full moons though they do tend to help us feel stronger.

My wolf was stirring inside of me, almost clawing its way out at the sight of her leaving. Why am I so drawn to her? Why do I feel the need to protect her? I barely know the girl.

I let her go despite wanting to be with her. She felt so fragile in my arms, gasping for air after I pulled her out from the flames. My wolf heard her cry out, could smell her lavender scent despite the smoke, and wouldn't quit fighting to get out until it found her. My instinct to save her was stronger than anything I'd ever felt before. And her kiss...

Her lips were so soft and tasted so sweet, I wanted more. I could feel her magic bubbling inside and seemed to call out to my wolf who damn near lost it with her kiss. I ended up growling at the poor girl and probably scared her away. Damn it!

I made my way back to the pack house, dragging my feet the whole way. I need to get a grip. The pack house is basically a frat house. I live with a handful of guys who are all a part of the team and all wolves either destined to be a part of my pack or anothers. A few of them are in the living room when I walk in.

"Marxin! Dude, where have you been? You look like shit." Rogers calls out. He's my running back, a member of my pack, and a friend since we were cubs.

"Don't be a bitch Rogers. But seriously Marxian, the fuck you get into?" Tobias joins in. He's my best defense since he's built like a semi truck but still undetermined if he'll join my pack. Got too much of an attitude for a beta.

"While you pussies went to get food after class, the science building caught on fire and I helped get some people out." I huffed at them. Part of me was kinda ticked they weren't there. They could of helped get people out and Astril wouldn't of felt compelled to herself.

"Oh shit, I heard about that. Didn't know people got trapped. You alright man?" Rogers follows me into the kitchen.

I swing open the fridge and grab us both a beer. Before I answer him, I crack mine open and take a long drink. The cold liquid feels good against my dry throat. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Sorry I wasn't there to help." He takes his and looks at it somely. Rogers has always been a bit softer than the other guys but I never minded. He at least cared and not just assumed I was always fine because I was the alpha.

"Don't worry about it man, couldn't have known that was gunna happen." I shrug it off. "I'm going to bed." I toss the can in the trash and walk out. I'm not usually so short but I'm exhausted after the fire and frankly anxious to have a moment to myself.

I jog up the stairs and into my room, shutting the door behind me. Stripping off my shirt, I notice a sting from my back shoulder. Looking in the mirror, I notice a burn stretching from my neck to my arm and down half my back. Must of got that when I went in for Astril. Luckily, werewolves heal faster than any other species and it will be gone by morning. I toss my shirt in the bin along with my jeans that are coated in ash. I should probably shower but fuck it, I'm tired.

I crash into my bed and fall asleep quickly but end up tossing and turning all night, haunted by a pair of purple eyes. That little elf has me all thrown off and I need to know why.

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