Chapter 16

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"God my head is killing me." I groan as I lay on the floor of my dorm. Tawnie, Willow, and Erika are all laying there with me in the aftermath of our shenanigans from the night before.

"Maybe Malibu isn't my friend." Erika moans, getting up and making her way to the bathroom.

"I feel ok actually." Tawnie sits up and stretches.

"Oh quiet vamp." Erika calls out from the bathroom and we all laugh.

"Thank the gods there's no class today." I roll over and pull my blanket over my shoulders. The whole campus shut down today in order to give professors a chance to catch up before Homecoming. The game is such a big deal here that students try to get all their work for the next week done early so they can take classes off and so professors are swamped with extra grading.

"You're telling me." Erika retches in the bathroom.

"You ok in there?" I get up and go over the bathroom door.

"Yep, just gotta get it all out." Erika opens the door and wipes her mouth.

"Here, this will help." I go to the mini fridge and pull out a coconut water.

"Thanks." She accepts it and downs the whole bottle.

"I'll take one too." Tawnie raises a hand so I can toss her one. "I guess coconut water is similar to blood plasma so vamps have been drinking it more to replace the need for blood." She explains.

"Wait," I laugh "So vamps can go "vegan" by drinking coconut water instead of blood?"

"I wouldn't go that far." She laughs.

"Still cool." Willow chimes in from under her blanket.

"Rise and shine Pocahontas." Erika pulls up the blanket and gives Willow and great big smile. 

"Leave me alone, you racist bitch." Willow snatches her blanket and rolls over.

"Love you too." Erika chuckles.  I lean back on the edge of my bed and smile.


Practice was more relaxed tonight since we didn't have a game until Saturday and Halloween was Friday. The guys messed around more and coach just let us as long as we did the exercises. I jogged around the track with the team, stealing glances at Bek who was at the bench, cleaning up on of the guys who scraped up their arm while pushing the dummies around. Sometimes I wonder if they do it on purpose just to let her take care of them.

Her hair was pulled back in two braids that I guess Willow did for her. She looked hella cute in her leggings and oversized sweater. I gave her my jacket since it got cold once the sunset and I have to admit, it looks better on her.

"Eyes on the track, Green." Coach called out from the sidelines.

"Yes coach." I laughed and finished my second mile. We lined up as we finished and coach gave us his annual pre-halloween speech.

"Don't make me have to track your asses down Saturday. Be smart, have fun, and for the love of God, don't get caught. I need all of you at the game. Dismissed."

"Yes coach." We all called out before breaking off.

I go straight to bek, pulling her into my arms and giving her a kiss. After the bonfire night, it was no longer a secret we were together. Frankly, I loved showing off that she was mine.

"Marxian!" She giggled before pushing me away.

"Oh come on Bek, they all know." I tease.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean we should shove it in their faces." She begins packing up her supplies before turning to me. "How come you didn't tell me about the pack Halloween party?"

Shit, I forgot. "Sorry babe, I didn't think about it."

"I guess I'll forgive you but you still have to ask me." She raises a brow at me.

"Ask you what?" I sit on the bench next to her bag.

"Ask me to go with you!" She swats me with a rag.

"Ow, alright!" I laugh before grabbing her hands and pulling her in so she stood in front of me. "Astril, do you want to got the Halloween party with me?" I ask, giving her a pout.

"Hmmm." She squints before answering. "Technically Erika already asked. Plus, we are planning our costumes together so I have to stick with my girls on this one but I'm sure I'll see you there."  She smirks.

"Oh, I see." I smirk back. "Guess I'll have Rogers be my date."

"Suit yourself." She smiles as she tries to remain unaffected.

"Fine." I tease. "What are you going to dress up as?"

"Can't tell you. You'll just have to find out at the party."

"Fine. Keep your secrets." I pull my shoulder pads off and give her a quick kiss on the cheek before turning to go to the locker room. "Wanna have breakfast together in the morning? I've got a paper to write tonight."

"Can't" Astril slightly cowers. "The girls and I are going shopping tomorrow for our costumes."

"Damn, my pack really is stealing you away from me." I grown playfully.

"Nah." She reaches up on her tiptoes to kiss me. "Don't think that's possible."

"Good." I smile. "I guess I'll see you later then."

"Ok." She smiles and I go back to the locker room. Most of the guys are putting their gear away and hitting the showers. I toss my gear in my locker and begin unlacing my cleats. Suddenly, I'm jostled from behind and someone bumps into me.  I catch myself on the bench and turn to see Tobias walking off, glaring at me over his shoulder. You really wanna go through this again?

I growl to myself but brush it off. I'm not in the mood for his petty bullshit. I go to throw my left over gear in my locker when I spot it.
A small rabbit with its throat slashed hangs from the top of my locker. What the fuck?!
I rip it down and go toss it out until he bin outside the locker room. Not a single one the guys remaining seem to pay any attention to me so I doubt they know anything. Whoever did it is already gone. But they left a clear message. I decide to push it to the back of my mind, taking notes of the threat but deciding not to mention anything to the guys, much less Bek.
Instead, I finish cleaning up and head back to the pack house where the guys are starting to get supplies for the party. If there's anything we're known for other than winning games, it's our killer Halloween party.

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