Chapter 3

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I storm out of the shop and into the rain. Who does this Marxian think he is? Trying to sweet talk me for what purpose? He obviously wants something. Star player who's loved by many and feared by the rest. What business does he have pretending to be interested in an elf? Probably the same as everyone else. Curious about me only to turn around and judge me, call me a dirty hippy or use me for their personal gain. I've played the game before. It always results in me losing.

I make my way back to the dorm, kicking myself for forgetting Tawnie's macchiato. Hopefully I can just order one off of Uber Eats. I slam the door behind me once I get inside and toss my bag at the armoire, not bothering to put my books away. I've been better since living with Tawnie as she is so clean and organized, but I don't have the motivation right now.

"Hey, you ok?" Tawnie emerges from the bathroom in black leggings and a hoodie of her own. She only wears it in the dorm, otherwise, she is full victorian lace and buckled up boots.

"Yeah, sorry. You'll never guess who I ran into at the cafe." I add sarcastically.

"Who?" She asked genuinely, walking past me to set up the projector for movie night. She angles it above her bed and we sit on mine. I have too much shit on my walls.

"Marxian Green." I huff.

"The football player?" She sits down and opens a pack of licorice.

"Yep." I plop down next to her and grab a piece.

"Tell me everything!" She gushes.

"Well he started off nice but then got all cocky. Didn't know who I was and acted all dumb when he saw my ears. As if he didn't know." I scoffed, aggressively biting off a piece.

"Well, he probably didn't. Wolf boy is so caught up in his perfect world that I don't doubt he never noticed you." She shrugged, picking a movie off her phone.

"Gee thanks. I feel so much better."

"Since when do you care about the opinions of dogs? Besides, he's a player."

This time, I do laugh. "You're right. So, what are we watching?"

"The Witcher. I'm behind a few episodes." She scooted back and used my body pillow to prop herself up.


"Did you get my coffee?"

Shit. "Sorry, I got distracted by douche bag."

"It's alright. I got Uber Eats." She laughs as she pulls out her phone. I lean back and watch the show, rolling my eyes at the ridiculous portray of elves and thinking on my encounter with the werejock.

One Week later...


I only have two finals left and I'm ready for spring break. Too bad one of them is my anatomy test.

I make my way through the large lab building to get to my next class. I've studied all week to get this one right but I still feel nervous. My run in with Marxian left me shaken for a day or two but I got back into studying and forgot about him. Mostly. Tawnie walked next to me and quizzed me on a couple things on the way. She had a class down the hall and insisted on walking with me and pestering me with stupid quiz questions.

"What is the part of a werewolf that gives them their ability to control their vision at night?" She asks.

"The eyes?" I answer stupidly. Some of these are dumb.

"What is the medical term for it?" She asks, rolling her eyes at me. I go to answer her but I see Marxian coming towards us.

"Hey Bek!" He calls out to me. I shift my gaze over to Tawnie to avoid him, hoping he will think I didn't here. A couple of the other football players walk with him and look at him confused.

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