Chapter 10

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A few weeks later...

Practice was kicking my ass. Coach has us running through every play over and over until we have it down perfect. And we were almost there.

"Alright boys. One more time. Tobias you stick close. Rogers, go long and be ready to take it home. Zeke, Antwon, and Matthew, make sure he makes it there." I call out orders as we line up for another play. The boys get into position and are ready. I take up my position and wait for the whistle, muscles tense and ready to strike. Even my wolf enjoys the game. The adrenaline of running the ball to a touchdown to tackling an opponent to seize the ball. It's a rush.

Coach blows the whistle and just like that, we strike. Tobias and rest of my defense collide with the offensive side. Rogers takes off, looking back to await my pass. I dodge through bodies before breaking through the line. taking off to the side. Just when they think they have me, I pass the ball to Rogers who catches it perfectly while Zeke takes down a guy to his left. Rogers takes off to the end zone with Antwon and Matthew in tow. A couple offensive guys block their path but Antwon tackles them, letting Rogers pass and take it all they way for a touchdown.

"Yeah! That's my man!" I exclaim, running up to him and high-fiving. "Fuck yeah team! We play like that, no one can touch us!"

The team responds in cheers patting each other on the back. Sweat drips down my back and forehead as I pull my helmet off. Something pulls me to look at the sidelines and as I do, I spot Astril sitting on one of the benches with a few other students. What the hell is she doing here? She told me she was working on a project...

"Alright great job guys. Let's call in a night." Coach calls out, pulling us all in for a final huddle. "I'm proud of you boys. It's gunna be a good season. Get some rest and stay out of trouble."

We break out in a howl before splitting. Not all the players are wolves but they have still joined in to make it a tradition. Nothing brings the team together like a howl. I break away and head towards Astril. The people she was sitting with go their own ways as she stands up, a big grin on her face.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as I get close, placing a quick kiss on her forehead before setting my helmet down.

"I wanted to surprise you." She beams. "My physical studies class is having us chose something to study as a project on how the body reacts to physical stress. I figured football is a great example and it allows me to tag along to practices and games for a grade."

"I thought you didn't like football." I tease.

"I said I didn't understand football. But it's an excuse to watch you on the field." She winks and I have to do everything I can not to tackle her.

"Sneaky little elf." I lean in to kiss her but Tobias's voice pulls me away.

"Careful pixie. You're in wolf territory. Wouldn't want you to get hurt." He sneered, pushing past me.

"Play nice Tobias. Don't want to scare her away." Rogers teases him, coming to stand at my side. I could feel my hackles raising but I didn't want to cause a scene. Astril glared at Tobias, her shoulders set. Good girl, stand your ground.

"I don't scare easily and I have permission to be here." She shoots at the guardsman who steps closer to her, towering over her tiny figure. She continues to stay rooted but I can feel her courage wavering.

Finally, I can't help and step in front of her. "Leave her alone, Tobias." I puff up my chest, making it known he's pushing it.

He looks between me and Astril and chuckles. "Got a fairy fetish Marxian? Can't say I blame you, heard their freaks in bed." He whistles and a couple guys laugh with him.

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