Chapter 21

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I had to get out of the house, I don't where the fuck I'm going, but I needed to leave. Everytime I see Marxian put his hands on Astril, I want to punch him, or puke, or both. I know I shouldn't, Marxian is my alpha and Astril is his mate and I respect that. But ever since I had that moment with her, I've felt different. I can't stop thinking about her.

She's beautiful and kind, her smile is always warm and her scent is intoxicating. Marxian doesn't give her credit as the powerful elf she is, he just sees her as his property. Hell, he doesn't even call her by her name, just some pet name he made up before they even got together.

All of a sudden, my feet slip on some gravel and I forget that I was running.

"Fuck." I catch myself before completely eating shit and flop onto the grass. I lay on my back and stare up at the sky. The morning sun was doing all it could to shine though the clouds, refusing to let go for winter just yet. I remember how Marxian said Astril liked to meditate outside. What does she think about when she does? Does she think about anything at all?

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to clear my mind and just listen. The sounds pour in from all around me, the shuffling feet of passing students, the distant class bell, some drama group practicing in the park, and birds sitting in the trees above. Somehow, I feel at peace, relaxed. Even my wolf settles down.

I'm not sure how long I've layed there until my phone starts buzzing in my pocket. Pulling it out, I see it's Matthew.

"What's up?" I answer.

"Bro, where the fuck are you? Marxian is pissed you just left." Matthew immediately gets to the point. I roll my eyes but maintain my cool. Marxian can suck my dick.

"I just went for a run and lost track of time. I'm on my way back."

"A run? You're not hungover?"

"Sweat it out bro." I chuckle. That has always been my go to hangover cure. Sucks but gets it over with.

"Whatever dude. Just get back. Marxian is all on edge with all the shit going on and I don't wanna piss him off more." Matthew has always been kind of wuss, especially when it come to the alpha. Kiss ass.

I hang up and pull myself to my feet. My head is a bit more clear but I know it will just get messed up again the second I catch of a whiff of Astril. Pull yourself together. It's my duty to serve my alhpa and she's an extension of that now. At least I can just be there for her, that should be enough right? Back to the pack house I go...


Only 3 days have passed since Halloween and Tobias's threat and I am no less stressed than that night. Bek has been acting distant, pushing me away and I can just sense there is something on her mind that she won't tell me. Rogers has been quiet too, doing what I ask of him but running off on his own every chance he gets. I can't tell if it's because of what happened between the three of us or with the threat of Tobias lingering over our heads at every moment.

Whatever the case, I'm fucking sick of it. Part of me wishes I could just tear Tobias limb from limb and get it over with but I know there are rules. I don't have any evidence connecting him to the threats to be able to present to the elder pack and get guidance or the go ahead for a challenge. Not to mention, the homecoming game is this weekend and the whole school is riding my ass, expecting a win. So yeah, I'm fucking stressed.

"Zeke, what's happening." I ask as I enter the kitchen. Only a few guys are home and getting ready for practice.

"Hey man, not much. The girls went shopping and the rest of the guys are finishing class." Zeke answers without looking up from his phone, a power bar in his free hand.

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