Chapter 13

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The night went on with more alcohol and music, the pack getting rowdy but everyone enjoying the night. I was feeling a good buzz and Astril was definitely feeling it. Tiny Meat Gang played on the speakers and we were dancing around the fire. The boys and I sang along and fucked around, beer in hand. Astril wanders over and starts dancing with me, grinding against me. She feels so good. Fuck, I feel so good right now.

The music calms down and I down the rest of my beer. But before I finish, something hits me from behind and I spill it down the front of my shirt. I grab Astril before I stumble forward and manage not to drop us both.

"Hey man, watch out." I call out and turn to see Tobias.

"Sorry man." He holds up his hands and looks down to see my arm around Astril. "Well, there goes the pack." He snears.

"Come one man, don't start that shit." I groan.

"Just sayin, you're the one that let in the trash."

I stiffen up, holding her tighter to me. This is exactly what I didn't want to happen tonight. "Leave it, Tobias." I growl at him.

The party stops around us as everyone pauses to see what's going on. Tobias glares at me and doesn't move. My wolf starts pacing, just waiting for him to try something stupid. Astril freezes next to me, glancing between us. The tension only building.

"Is she at least good in bed? Damn pixies have to be good for something right?" He snickers at her but before I can launch at him, Shay steps in.

"That's enough Tobias. Astril has every right to be here. She's one of us now." She stands up to the wolf and even though he's twice her size, her presence is bigger.

"What kind of example you setting for the pack man? Letting anything in your bed and expect us to put up with it?" He spit in my direction and my anger soared to the point where I was ready to tear him to shreds.

"Do you really want to challenge your alpha?" Shay shoved him back.

A growl tumbled through my chest as I prepared for a fight but a small hand pressed against my chest. Astril looked up at me , her eyes pleading. Another wave came over me, but this one was slow, creeping and soothing as I came. My muscles relaxed and all I could see was her. A cool breeze flowed over my skin and the scent of lavender took over my senses. The fight in me was gone.

"Alpha or not, his bitch needs to go." Tobias spit out, breaking the spell. I was going to wreck this motherfucker.


I could feel Marxian burning with anger next to me. Every one of his muscles tensed up and ready to go. I begged him to calm down and for a moment, it almost worked but then Tobias pushed him over the edge, lunging at him. I managed to step out of the way as Tobias swung at Marxian who dodge the blow and swung back, hitting him square in the jaw.

This can't be happening. I will not be the cause of violence! I took a deep breath and remembered the technique one of the elders taught me. There was hardly any negativity in the communes but we were all taught how to defuse situations that got out of hand just in case. The wolves squared up, ready to go again.

"I'm warning you Tobias, step down!" Marxian yelled over the music that still playing. Tobias didn't say anything, just growled. I stepped between them and placed a hand on both their chests, focusing all my magic to soothe them.

"Stop, please. This isn't necessary!" I pleaded. Marxian breathes hard and glances between me and Tobias. I could see the struggle in his eyes. Tobias shook his head and growled again, taking a step forward. Oh fuck.

Fine LinesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora