Chapter 12

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The game was in full swing. Players rushed around the field, fans yelling and cheering at every move, and I was sitting on the bench feeling absolutely overwhelmed. The couches were keeping up with the guys and the cheerleaders were off to the side keeping the crowd hyped. I can see why Marxian loves it though. The constant rush of the game and the adrenaline was exhilarating. I just wish I knew what to do with myself.

Well, I'm supposed to be watching out for any injuries but it's hard when there is so much else going on. I took a drink from my water bottle and tried to focus on Marxian. He was leading his team 7 points ahead and now on the offensive. He barked orders at them before getting into position. As the whistle blew, everyone burst into action. He ran down the field with the ball, dodging players from the other team as they tried to tackle him. I could feel his determination and see it in his eyes like a wildfire. It burned as he made a sharp left and passed the ball to Antwon before getting tackled.

I cringed when he went down but he popped right back up. My heart pounded in my chest and I'm not sure if it's from the fear of him getting hurt, or the excitement of the game. Probably both. The first two quarters flew by with Wisteria still in the lead. The boys ran back to the locker room while the band put on a show. It was impressive as some mages joined and added extra effects using magic. I saw half it before going back myself. I stocked up on water bottles and ice packs before they went back out.

"You alright Bek?" Marxian snuck up behind me.

"Geez, yes." I chuckled. "You scared me."

"Sorry." He laughed before sneaking his hands around my waist and kissing the top of my head. Again, I got a rush. Power surged through me as his excitement passed onto me. How is this possible?

"Do you feel that?" I asked, pulling away before anyone saw.

"Feel what?" He asks, his brows coming together.

"When you kiss me, it's almost like I can feel what you're feeling."

"Huh." He kisses my forehead and smiles. "Just feels good. You must be my good luck charm though. We're gunna win if we keep this up."

"Alright." I laugh. "Get out of here before anyone sees you." I shoo him off and go back to my place on the bench.

The third quarter heats up as the other team comes back in an attempt to save the game. The tackles become harder and several players focus in on Marxian. I squirm in my seat as each hit takes him to the ground. Several others get hit but manage to gain several yards.

"Hanging in there kiddo?" The coach comes over to stand next to me.

"Yeah." I laugh nervously.

"You'll get used to it." He chuckles and watches the game. Marxian and Matthew are running side by side to the end zone. Marxian has the ball and is getting close but a guy from the other team is right on him. Matthew sees him and gets closer, diving in right as the player attempts to tackle Marxian. The two tumble to the ground and Marxian is able to keep going and hit the end zone. The crowd erupts in cheers and I even I jump out of my seat.

"Looks like our boy just made a touchdown." The coach beams. I just smile and watch as he goes back to help Matthew off the ground. He struggles but gets up and follows his quarterback up the field. I notice a slight wobble in his step.

"Coach. I need you to bring Matthew in. I think he's hurt." I call out.

"Game's almost over he seems fine." He replies.

"He's hiding a limp." I insist.

"Fine." He calls for a time out and motions Matthew to come over. The whole team huddles in.

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