C8-{~Welcoming Mistakes~}

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*No one's Pov*

"What were you thinking," Jax asks when the twins are out of the office. "What are you talking about," Hope asks. "I think he's talking about how you just broke Josie's heart," Freya says. "What?" Hope asks. "Look Hope even if she's not a wolf. She can feel hurt because you just put her in the so-called 'friendzone'" Freya says. "I didn't put her in the friend zone," Hope says. "I believe you just did, Hope. At least that is how it looks like by the way you asked the question" Caroline says. "Shit" Hope says under her breath. "I think you guys should go to class," Ric says.

Jax and Hope say bye and head to classes.

Jo and Lizzie gave the new students half of the tour but they had to stop because is already lunchtime.

Lizzie Josie and the new kids grab their food and sit. Mg, Kaleb, Jed, and Penelope are already on the table.

"Hey, guys," Mg says. "Hey, they say. "Who are they?" Penelope ask. "Oh, they are Rafael and Landon," Josie says. "Nice to meet you," Mg says. "You too," Landon says.

Minutes later Hope and Jax come into the cafeteria, grab their food and come sit. "Hey, guys," Jax says. "Hope," Landon says. "Landon" Hope says.

"So, You guys know each other" Mg asks. "Yeah, he worked at the grill, and well I went a lot because  I had to buy my favorite milkshake," Hope says. "Peanut Butter Blast with whip-cream on the bottom," Landon says. "Wow that's creepy," Jax says and laughs. "Jax," Hope says. She hasn't glanced at Josie once.

"What are you doing here," Hope asks. "Ooh, Raf is a wolf and I'm a Phoenix" Landon says proudly. "And what does Phoenix do," Jax asks. "I'm immortal," Landon says. "Yeah, I know that but what powers do you have," Jax asks, the super squad wants to know too. "I don't know," Landon says. "Wait, do you have super strength," Penelope asks. "No," Landon says. "Super hearing," Mg says. "No," Landon says. "Superspeed" Jed ask. "No," Landon says again. "Wow, that's..." Jax pauses. " a moderately competent bird" Lizzie blurts out and everyone laughs. "Lizzie, you're being rude" Hope says. "No, I'm being me" Lizzie argues. "Yeah, sis. Why are you being like that" Jax asks at the sudden change in her sister's behavior. "Guys they aren't even our friends and you're already poking," Hope says. "Well if they want to be our friends, they will have to deal with Lizzie, Hope," Penelope says. Josie is just numb, kind of. She's just trying not to talk or anything.

For the rest of the lunch, Hope spends it talking to Landon and Rafael. Lizzie and Jax poked and Rafael is getting frustrated by the poking but Jax and Lizzie don't give a shit. Josie is already getting used to the idea of being Hope's friend mostly because of the interaction between her and Landon.

"Jo are you ok," Jax asks and everyone stops doing what they are doing, realizing that Jo has been quiet this whole time.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Josie says. Jax knows that there's something wrong. "Are you sure? You've been quiet this whole time" Mg says. "It's nothing, I'm just thinking about some things in my life," Josie says with a sad expression and Hope realized, she hasn't talked to Josie this whole time. "You know what's a good distraction" Kaleb ask. "What" Josie ask. "A party," Jed says. "I don't think that's a good idea," Josie says. "Oh c'mon Jo it'll be fun," Lizzie says with puppy eyes. "I'll think about it," Josie says. "Jo-" Hope starts to say but it's cut off by the bell ring.

"I think it's time to continue the tour," Josie says. Lizzie nods and the other 2 students get up.

When Josie and Lizzie are outta sight, Jax looks at Hope and says. "You know. I think it's time for her to move on" Jax says and gets up. Hope is confused, she looks at the rest of the squad but they just smile weirdly.

They all go to class and Lizzie and Josie finish the tour.

After classes, Jax and Hope come back to their room but Jax doesn't explain to Hope what is happening. She didn't even realize how much time she spent talking with Landon and his brother.

At night Lizzie and Jax went to the party but Josie stayed she promised to go tho.

Jax and Lizzie were getting high at the party. Hope well, Hope asked for Josie but she wasn't there yet.

Landon asked her to the dance and she decided to make the stupidest decision and dance with him.

Hope and Landon are having fun dancing when Landon suddenly decides to give Hope an un-consensual kiss to Hope. Just at that moment, Josie decides to appear and Hope can't pull away because she's drunk asf.

"Jo's, you came!" Jax says happily but that goes away when he sees Josie's face. "Jo what's wrong" Lizzie ask. Jax and her look at where Josie is looking and they see Landon and Hope kissing.

"Jos" Jax says. "Boo, it's fine. I'll just go back to my room" Josie says. She feels like her world is coming down, she's feeling all kinds of emotions just at once, she starts to walk away. "We'll come with you," Lizzie says when she sees tears in Josie's eyes and starts following Josie, Jax too. "Guys it's ok you can stay, have fun," Josie says but her voice cracks. "No, we're coming with you," Jax says. He's mad. He is thinking about how much of an idiot her sister is. She didn't even care about the fact that Josie is her soulmate.

Josie Lizzie and Jax went back to the twins' room together. Jax stole a few beers and a bottle of bourbon, so they, drank the whole night until they fell asleep.


Hey guys sorry for the late update but I've been a little busy and I have writer's block, so I can't think rn. But anyway, I hope you guys like this chapter. I don't know if it's good enough but is the best I can do right now.

Lots of Love ❤️

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