Four: the fall (part 3)

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His door opened and he looked up from the corner of the room he was hiding in. Roman stood in the doorway.

"Come to gloat that they hurt me and not you?" Remus asked. Roman stepped into the light of the room and remuss eyes widened. "Holy fuck..." Remus stood up and quickly ran over to Roman. He looked his brother up and down and gently touched his cheeks. He's never seen the bruises on his neck or cheek, and new ones were forming. "Roman what the hell?"

"Most of them are old Re..." Roman looked down as he started crying. "I'm sorry...I'm so so so so sorry." Remus looked his brother up and down again as he started crying even more.

"Why didn't you tell me she hurt you too?" Remus asked. "You even covered the marks so I wouldn't know? Roman what the hell? I thought you were a complete dick!"

"If I had told you, you would have acted differently and she would have known." Remus shook his head.

"Even then you covered them so I couldn't see them Roman! You always made it a point to get her to hurt me why would you-."

"I hid it from you for this reason Re! I get it you don't understand..."

"But why give logan-Wait shit Lo-."

"Remus...t-they took him downstairs." Remus shook his head.

"N-No!" Remus immediately ran for his bedroom door, only to be stopped by Roman. "Fuck! Roman why didn't you stop them!"

"I tried!" Roman shook. "Please Remus they'll fucking kill him at this point!"

"He needs me okay? His fucking mother was just found dead!" Remus ran out of the bedroom only to slam into their father.

"Why was dinner not done when I got home?" He asked. Remus glanced towards his bedroom. If he found Roman in there they would both be in trouble.

"Make it yourself." Remus spat. His father dragged him downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Is that really how we are going to act right now Remus?" Remus chuckled.

"Yeah, kind of part of my big plan to tell you to go fuck yourself." His father smirked and laughed.

"Your friend Remus, his names logan yeah?" Remus froze.

"I-I my friends are Janus and Virgil.. I don't know a Logan..."

"DONT LIE TO ME!" His father slammed the counter.

"Don't hurt him, okay? Please...he just lost his mother." Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"I'll be back." His father walked towards the door and Remus followed. He saw the officer and saw the angry way his father stood. "Hey Remus, go get your friend logan the officer wants to speak to him."

"Okay..." Remus walked down the stairs, he grabbed the key and walked to the room. He moved the book shelf and put the key in the lock. The door opened and he saw Logan crying in the corner. "Logan?" Logan immediately shook more and backed up into the corner further.


"It's me, Remus..." logan looked up and immediately ran over to him.

"Oh thank god you are alright!" He hugged him tightly.

"An officer wants to talk to you probably about your mom.." Logan nodded. "Logan please don't tell anyone..."

"What the hell Remus!? They fucking kidnapped me for crying out loud! I'm locked in your god damn basement!" Remus shook as he started to cry.

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