Seven: flashbacks are not fun

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An: flashbacks are in this chapter they will be in italics

***Remus (hours after the Logan incident)***

"So, we're just going to pretend we weren't just informed school was canceled for a kidnapping investigation?" Remus leaned back in his chair and looked over at Roman. "And they aren't releasing who was kidnapped either..."

"We just going to ignore the fact that you are an absolute-."

"Boys!" Their aunt paused the tv. "Can you both shut the fuck up already? Yes someone from your school was kidnapped during school hours...."

"You work for the police, who was it?" Remus asked. Roman slapped him.

"Dude, shut up!" Their aunt sighed.

"I can get into a lot of trouble for this..." she walked over to her work bag and pulled out a file. "This is all we know about the situation so far." Remus opened the file, Roman leaving over his shoulder to read it. Both boys immediately gasped.

"Holy..." Remus looked at Roman. "Do you think Virgil or pattons seen him anywhere?"

"Fuck..." Roman looked at their aunt. "Do we know when he was taken?"

"Around 12am, right before you all were switching to lunch." Remuss eyes widened.

"We-we got into an argument, they must have taken him after that." Remus started crying. "I-It's my fault."

"Remus, why didn't you tell me that?" Roman asked. Remus sighed.

"He broke up with me Roman..." Roman gasped.

"What the actual-."

"Holy fuck!" They both looked at their aunt who immediately looked at the two. "We need to hide, like now! Your father's escaped!"


Roman immediately ran upstairs. His heart was beating so fast. He froze seeing his window open and he walked over pulling it closed. He immediately sat down on the bed and started crying.


Roman looked up quickly. He looked towards the door and shook his head. It was his imagination is all. He laid down and looked up at ceiling. He was scared of everything.

A few years ago:

"Ro?" Remus entered his bedroom and Roman looked up quickly wiping his tears away.

"What's up Re?" Roman asked. Remus sat down and looked at him.

"Why were you crying?" He asked. Roman looked at his bedroom door and back at Remus.

"No reason."

"Big wuss." Remus leaned against Roman who shoved him away remembering that his father threatened Remus if he didn't push him away.

"Out, I don't even like you." Roman glared at his brother. "Dads right, you are a pathetic piece of shit." Remus immediately got up.

"You-You don't mean that..." Remus started crying heavily.

"Just get out, I don't want to see you." Remus slammed Romans door closed and Roman looked at his hands as tears flowed down his cheeks. If only Remus knew it was just to protect him.

Roman looked up as there was a knock on his door. Remus walked in and looked around the room.

"It's a mess in here." He chuckled. Roman rolled his eyes and patted the spot next to him. Remus carefully walked over and sat down.

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