Eleven: Dont

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***Virgil (a few hours before the cops showed)***

⚠️TRIGGER WARNING: self harm/torture⚠️

"Fuck!" Virgil cried out as he tried to rip his wrist out of the chains like Patton had taught him. The chain scratched his wrist and he whimpered. He glanced over at the bed logan was asleep on and started crying. "L-Logan please wake up." He watched logan laying there and he struggled even more to get out of the chains. The door opened and Virgil glared at the figure that entered. "You are a fucking asshole." He walked over to Virgil and laughed at the tears on his face.

"He'll wake up soon, but I think I want to have some fun with you until then." Virgil struggled against the chains and glared at him as he pulled down, and hard. The chains snapped and Virgil hit roman and remuss dad with them knocking him to the ground. Virgil held his wrist to his chest trying to hold pressure to stop the bleeding. He looked at them and noticed he broke one of his wrist. He groaned and backed away from the man on the ground. "You little whore." He got up off the ground and stormed over to Virgil, slamming him into the wall.

"Please stop!" Virgil started shaking.

"Alright then, what about your brother then?" Virgil shook his head.

"Don't you fucking touch him."Virgil panicked as he fell down to the ground. He laughed and got down lifting Virgils chin.

"Then listen to me." Virgil started crying and he nodded his head.

"Please just not in front of him, please..." Virgil looked at Logan and then back at him. "Anywhere else..." he laughed. Suddenly Virgil heard voices and lots of footsteps. His eyes widened.

"COPS!? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?" Virgil panicked. "Oh they are not going to find you alive you little shit."

"I didn't do it!!" Virgil shouted. He lashed out with a knife and before it could get Virgil it hit something else. Virgils eyes widened. Not something, someone. "LOGAN!" Virgil immediately ran to his brother and held his side.

"Fuck you, little monster." He lashed out with the knife and it cut deep into Logan's arm. Logan screamed. He kept lashing out, Virgil tried to stop him but he shoved him aside. He cut even more and Virgil screamed in horror. His brother lay there bleeding in front of him.

"NO! LO!" He tried to get away and was dragged from the room. "NO!" Virgil started crying heavily. "LO!" suddenly he was pulled away by an officer and Virgil stared blank faced at the door. He ran for it. When it opened he saw logan and he ran for him pulling him to his chest. "I-It's fine the paramedics are here...you'll be okay."

"I-I love you." Logan suddenly passed out. Virgil and logan were both carried out of the house. Virgil slapped the paramedic away.

"I'm fine damnit! Go my brother needs all the help he can get." Virgil watched as she walked away and looked at Janus who sat down next to him.

"What the hell happened?" Virgil started crying even more.

"He's going to die isn't he? Fuck..."

"Hey, hey no it's fine." Janus sighed. "He's a fighter, from the way he acts around us I'm sure he's got a lot of stuff to handle but he'll make it through it all."

"Okay..." Virgil looked at the blood that covered his hands. "I'm scared."

"He'll be okay, now let's wrap your wrist okay?"


"Hey, so...can you tell me a little more about what happened?" Remus asked. Roman looked over at him.

"Remus, I just don't think it's a good idea." Roman mumbled.

"You made me hate myself so much that I tried to throw myself off a fucking bridge. I think I deserve more of an explanation than just so they wouldn't fucking hurt me." Remus looked away annoyed. "Because if you actually cared about me then you would have done a better job at making sure they didn't hurt me but instead you allowed them to hit me when I didn't do something right, you allowed her to take my phone and lock me in a god damn closet for days without food, you allowed them both to say such god awful things about me-."

"Remus shut up!" Roman looked over at the door. "Look, I couldn't stop them okay?" Roman looked at his hands. "Because if I did they'd just take me downstairs..."

"That doesn't excuse it Roman." Remus growled.

"What the hell is your problem!?" Roman shouted. "Clearly you never got it into your head that I took most of the hits!"

"Fuck you roman" Remus glared. "You can't just say you care now when you've always acted like a huge dick!"

"God damnit Remus just leave me alone!" Remus glared.

"You left me alone for two years Roman, did you tell them why we were away so long? Do they even know you abandoned me?"

"I didn't abandon you remus!" Roman shouted.

"Yes, you did." Remus glared.

"What has gotten into you Remus!?" Roman shouted. Remus noticed the tears and smirked.

"What's gotten into me!! What's gotten into me!! How about what's been going on with you!? You've been forgetting your own brother leaving him to fucking rot." Suddenly the door was busted down and remus laughed.

"It worked!" The paramedics and cops came running in to help the two out of the room. Roman glared at Remus.

"You are an idiot you know that?" Remus smiled at Roman.

"Sorry about everything I said, but it got you yelling so it gave me hope we could actually get out." Roman laughed.

"Oh my god..." Roman walked over and pulled Remus into a hug. "You idiot." Remus hugged back and laughed as tears fell down his cheeks.

"You were giving up Ro, I didn't want that."

"I love you Remus, and I'll see you soon." Remus smiled at him as he walked over to the paramedics.

"Love you too Ro."

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