Five: a secret

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⚠️ trigger warning: sexual assault ⚠️


"Fuck..." tears filled his eyes as he sat down on his bed. He was in some deep shit. The bedroom door opened and he looked up terrified.

"You two boys are lucky we were able to clean up before the cops came and searched the house." Roman nodded.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't know!" Roman backed away as she got closer to him.

"You know, I heard you talking to your brother. I know you have been lying to me all these years just to protect him..." she got closer. Roman shook his head.

"He's my brother you crazy bitch! I don't care what you do to me but as soon as you hurt him like, that I swear to god if I find out you have, I am going to have your head on a stick!" Roman was shoved into the bed.

"Oh is that so?" Roman glared at her as she held him down on the bed.

"He's my baby brother, if you touch him I will break the agreement we made!" She covered his mouth with her hand and laughed.

"Oh but you've already broken that, he saw your marks Roman, he knows." Roman shook his head aggressively. "Don't give me that, and the fact that you actually told him that you've been lying to him for years? You have always loved him that I know but you promised me he'd never know that you do care." She gagged Roman and attached his hands to hand cuffs, dragging him down the stairs roughly. He struggled against her. Tears filled his eyes. "Honey I'm taking Roman downstairs, join us if you'd like." Roman shook and tried to pull away from her as she dragged him down the stairs. "I'm lucky you and Remus aren't actually our kids." Roman stared at her wide eyed as she attached him to the bed. "Oh I forget that we never told you two...we were going to wait until you were eighteen to tell you but this was just too perfect not to." Roman shook his head again and tried to kick her away from him. She pulled out the gag.

"Just because we aren't related, doesn't mean this isn't wrong you fucking bitch!" She slapped him and Roman started crying even more. "I hate you."

"Hey honey, the police are here..." Roman was suddenly gagged again. He struggled against it.

"Be right there!" She glared at him as she made sure he couldn't move. She walked away and slammed the hidden door shut. Roman panicked and struggled against the chains. Why were the cops there!?


"He's a crazy kid, I'm sure him and his friends just did it for laughs." His father glared him down. He shivered against the cold.

"His friend Virgil is going to be in the hospital with a few broken ribs but his friend Logan took the most of the fall...your kids lucky he survived that fall." Remus looked up at the officer.

"What!?" He wasn't told Logan and Virgil fell too. "Why didn't anyone tell me Logan and Virgil followed me!?" It was all his fault Logan was hurt.

"They didn't tell you? I thought you were all together when it happened." Remus shook his head.

"I-I was jumping the other two I didn't know they..." he started crying harder.

"Honey what's the matter?" Remus looked up seeing their mother coming from the basement. His heart started beating faster. Where's Roman?

"This officer drove Remus home, he apparently jumped off a bridge with a few of his friends." His mother folded her arms across her chest.

"So you boys took what I had said to a whole new level huh?" She joked. The officer laughed and said goodbye. The door closed behind him and Remus immediately glared at his parents,forgetting that two of his friends are hospitalized at the moment the only thing mattering to him was his brother.

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