Fifteen: send help (part 1)

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"Fuck you." Remus struggled against the man holding his arm harshly and dragging him towards a closet door.

"He's going to be punished for this." He hissed. Remus shook his head and struggled again.

"Please no! Okay no! He did nothing wrong!" He was shoved into the closet and he landed harshly on his shoulder.

"He texted you." The door slammed shut and Remus screamed.

"NO!" He stood and tried to bang on the door but nothing worked. He sat back holding back his cries.


The door unlocked and Virgil stood. "Finally Remus that took..." he stopped seeing his father standing there.

"Guess your mother won't be my only victim." Virgil looked behind his father.

"What did you do to Remus!?" He backed away and pulled out his phone.

"If you call 911 I will have a friend kill Logan." Virgil stopped texting and looked at his father.

"You wouldn't dare! They would trace it back to you and you know it!"

"Go to your bedroom, pack up your shit. We leave tonight, just me and you, and of course that stupid friend of yours...." His father held his hand out. Virgil placed his phone in it and walked down to his bedroom to pack. "You have two hours to pack." Virgil threw as much as he could into a bag and walked downstairs to meet his father. He held Remus by his throat.

"Remus!" Virgil dropped his bag and glared at his father. Remus looked over at him terrified.

"Don't worry, I'm not like his father I won't rape anyone." He dropped Remus to the ground. "But I am a murderer so unlike him, I'm going to finish the job." He grabbed Virgil's bag. "You two try and run and or call anyone, you will both be beaten until you can't move you understand me?" They both nodded and Remus grabbed Virgil's arm. They walked out of the house and Virgil opened the vans back door and climbed in with Remus.

"Oh no, you come up front with me that way I can see and hear you." He dragged Remus to the front of the van. Virgil jumped out but was shoved back in. "You annoying kids Jesus." He shoved Remus to the ground and yanked Virgil farther into the back. He grabbed some rope and tied him down, adding a gag to his mouth and then he slammed the door shut and locked it. Virgil kicked and struggled against his new prison. Tears filled his eyes. What the hell was his father planning!?


He shoved Remus into the passenger seat and tied his hands together in his lap. He laughed a little then grabbed remuss face tightly. "I mean....what's stopping me from selling you for a pretty penny? You are pretty handsome and according to your record you are definitely in no way a virgin..." Remus panicked. He shoved a gag into remuss mouth and stroked down his chest. "I just might have a little fun with you after all." He stopped and slammed the passenger side door closed. Remuss heart started beating really fast. The drivers side opened and Remus looked towards it wearily. "Oh relax, I won't do anything until we reach the hotel."


Logan glared at his phone and then at the stupid wires attached to his arm. God damnit! He can't even help his own fucking brother he's so useless!

Virg: I don't know where he's planning on taking me...but he has Remus as well and I don't want him hurt too. Please tell the police Lo I'm scared

Logan wiped his face of tears. The door to his room opened and someone knocked. Logan smiled at officer Thomas. "Hey officer thanks for coming." Thomas sat down and Logan handed him his phone. "Please find him, he's all I have left..."

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