{ PART ~ 10 }

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Sid was sitting in khanna's office, talking wid him.. They were discussing about the project... There were so many people, (like writer, casting director, co producer, assistant director Cinmetographer and so on) presented there... ( except the featuring stars... Like lead actor, actress, supporting actor)

"Umm... Mr. Khanna what I was saying  That, can we change the story plot a little bit.. Hmm...? What say?" Said Sid reading through scripts... Totally concentrating on scripts and listening to writer at the same time, who was eventually describing in details to explain him further... ( but he cut him in between and asked to Mr. Khanna to change the plot a bit)

The writer frowns and was about to ask him that why he asked to change the Story which he wrote an year ago..... But Sid again interrupted... "Umm.. Sir ye wala plot kashmir m shoot hona chahiye... Or ye next hm yahi goa m shoot kr skte h.." He was reading the script and giving his pov eventually....

"Sid do whatever you want to do... Just make sure that this movie should be the biggest hit off this year.... Through I  have uttar faith on your work.. And I m ready to invest as much as you wish... Cause I knew the magic you can do, no one else can do.... Remember our last movie... O god... That movie broke all the damnnn records...and did 200 carore business in India.." Said Mr. Khanna excitedly... In which Sid just nod his head..

Tring.. Tring... The telephone rang... Gaining all people's attention... Mr. Khanna picked up.. And started talking.... Hello ( pause)....Achha (pause)....Haan (Pause)....Bs ho gya h... Tm bhej do unhe andar... And cuts the call... Through Sid was busy in scripts trying to settle the things in his head.....

The door opened and there came sana... She shakes her hand wid Mr. Khanna.. And greeted all the people presented there... Through out she was watching Sid from corner of eyes... And  finally went to him and calls him... "Hlw sir..."

Sid was busy in scripts totally unaware that the girl who has Created hovac inside his heart is standing just in front off him... He stood up and greeted her.... "Hey miss gill..." ( through he wanted to ask so many questions from her... But he decided to behave professionaly in front off other people...

They got seated in their respective place... And started discussing about the project.. Sid's eyes was just planted on sana... Everyone was giving their pov but he was lost in her.... She knew that he was staring her continuously but didn't paid much attention cause he had left her last night without glancing her for once...

Sana felt everything was perfect in the project after reading the scripts and location where they have to shoot... But she doesn't knew about the lead actor.... So she asked mr. Khanna...
"Sir what about the lead actor....? You didn't mentioned it.. I have to know from whom I m working wid, before signing the contract paper...

"Umm... Sana I have decided to cast rohan mehra as lead actor... Everyone knew how much popular he is... And his fan following is Tremendous you know... So i don't think he needs any kind off audition... And i invited him too..." Said Mr Khanna smilingly praising rohan... He was talking about him and there he reached himself...

Entering in the room, he greeted everyone and took extra time to greet Sana... Through she also greets him Polightly... While Sid was sitting there watching the scenario... He roles his eyes at this swung... He earlier worked wid him so he knew very well that how moody Mannerless creep and flirt he was... Through he knew that Mr. Khanna wanted to cast him... So he didn't think much about him...

After greeting wid Sana... Rohan went to Sid and greeted him too.. Sid just slightly smiled at him and nods his head.. Rohan also got seated... And then everything got decided... And trio sign the contract....

"Umm.. Ab contract sign ho hee gaya h... Toh hm kuch scene ka mock shoot kr le...? Hmm.. Don't you think guys..." Said Mr. Khanna Polightly...
Sana and Rohan noded their head in yes... Okk.. Great then.... Sid now I m giving all the responsibility on your shoulder okk.. Again said Mr. Khaana cheerfully...

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