I couldn't even move. I felt stiff. Not from fear, but from anger and sadness.

How dare she try and seek me out after I specifically told her that I wanted nothing to do with her? And worse, she had to make an appearance in front of my friends and family.

"Vynette, I-" She suddenly cut herself off by gasping in shock and smiling widely. "Viktor Nikiforov?! Yuri Katsuki?! Christophe Giacometti?! Otabek Altin?! Oh my god! What are you all doing here at the Women's Grand Prix?!" She asked as she ran up to be closer to everyone.

"Well, we're -"

"Just leaving." I stated coldly, cutting off Viktor from speaking to her.

I guess everyone could tell that the tension in the air got thick as Yelena focused eye contact back onto me.

I tried to get my body to move and walk away as fast as I could before we'd cause a scene, but she ran up and grabbed my wrist.

"Please, Vyn. Just let me talk." She begged.

"Why should I? You said everything you had to over the phone that day. What more do I need to know that you're a bitch?" I asked harshly as I yanked my arm away from her and crossed my arms.

"Look, I've said so many times how sorry I am. But you know that you're not in the right either." She stated as she glared at me.

"What the hell do you mean? I've been nothing but nice and caring towards you!" I raised my voice at her, trying to tower over her even though she was a few inches taller than me.

"You we're making out with the Russian Punk before. You never even told me that you quickly moved on to someone else. It's like I was a second choice for you!" She shouted at me.

I mean, she kinda was, but I still really loved her. I cared about her and she goes behind my back because she pitied me. And I got angrier at her that she would accuse me of cheating when she did the same thing!

"I'm with Yuri because unlike you're ungrateful ass he was there for me whenever I needed it! Any time you were 'busy', I was with Yuri because I didn't wanna feel sad about missing your pathetic bitch face! And unlike you, Yuri doesn't have the audacity to hide something so big from me like having another lover! So don't you dare accuse me of something that you did way before I got involved!" I shouted in her face as my eyes stung with tears.

No. No way in hell was I gonna show her my emotions and how much she broke me. She means nothing to me just like how I meant nothing to her.

"Then what about all the times that you told me that you'd tell me everything about yourself when I never knew that you had relationships with Viktor Nikiforov and Yuri Katsuki!"

"That's because you never asked about my family that much. And Yuri Katsuki became part of the picture as my family after you fucking admitted to cheating. And don't you fucking dare bring them into this argument! They have nothing to do with this! Leave them out of it!" I yelled again.

God, I wanted nothing more than to punch this bitch.

"I can't believe you'd accuse me of cheating when your boyfriend was literally the one to pick up the phone that time I tried calling you. You fucking RAT ASS BITCH!" I shouted and was about to jump her when Yuri quickly wrapped his arms around me to stop me from hurting her.

"You know, you're actually good for one thing. Riling her up when she doesn't need to be!" He turned to yell at her as I thrashed around in his arms.

"LET ME KILL HER! I'll make her suffer just as much as I did!" I glared daggers at her.

 ~My Agape And Eros In One~ (Yuri Plisetsky Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now