We were at the Grand Prix Finals in Sochi. Yuri had won gold in the Men's Junior Grand Prix and I won gold in the Women's. This time it was Viktor's big day.

Viktor ended up wining gold, but I'm afraid that this will be Viktor's last season. Hopefully not. As Viktor talked with the interviewers, I was able to talk to Chris for a bit to catch up after everything that's happened. But He had to cut the the conversation short so I just headed back over to Yakov and Viktor. As Yakov was talking to Viktor, I suddenly saw Yuri walk off.

"Hey, where are you going?" I asked.

"Restroom." Was his response. I just shrugged it off and followed him since I wanted water anyways. I popped on my headphones to listen to music as I bent down to get a sip of water from the water fountain and just decided to wait for Yuri. I was too tired to really move or care about anything right now.

Besides, I saw the other Yuri, Yuri Katsuki, who I'm just gonna call Yuuri, go in to the men's restroom. I call Yuri while rolling my r's, and Yuuri just normally so they can tell which Yuri I'm talking about. I didn't really get a good look at him, but I could tell it was him. No doubt Yuri is going to say his usual intimidating crap to him. I saw on social media that he didn't do so well this year. I felt bad for the guy, but there was nothing I could do.

I let out a deep sigh as I heard slight yelling from inside. It's Yuri's voice. I kept waiting until Yuri came out and I slid my headphones down. He just stared at me as I stared back.

"What?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"What do you mean 'what'? I'm just waiting." I shrugged, but then slightly glared at him. "Did you have to bring down the poor guy's spirits?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." He rolled his eyes and started to walk away, making his way back to Viktor and Yakov.

"Don't give me that bullshit. I heard everything. You're not exactly a quiet guy." I sighed as I followed him.

"Tsk, whatever. No going back now." He muttered as I just shook my head. I placed my headphones back on once we caught up to Viktor.

Viktor was explaining to Yuri about how he could've done better, but as always, Yuri didn't care.

"I won, so it doesn't matter." Were his words. But even Yakov was telling him off. I turned to the side to see Viktor smiling at the other Yuri, asking him if he wanted a photo.

Oddly, Yuuri just turned around and walked away, not even giving anyone a second glance. It confused me and Viktor. Usually anyone would die to get a photo with him. I wonder what-......

Yuri. You ass.

I narrowed my eyes as I slowly turned to face my best friend who also had his head turned to the side to look at the other Yuri, but once his eyes caught mine, he slightly jumped and I could see just the tiniest hint of fear in his eyes.

"W-what are you staring at me for, mouse?" He muttered.

"You're an ass." I sighed and shook my head. He just stared at me in confusion which I rolled my eyes at.

But, again, there was nothing I could do. So I let it go. I went back to listening to music on my phone as I leaned against Yuri's shoulder for support, both of us not caring that Yakov was still yelling and telling him off.

We headed back to the hotel we're staying at and when I got to our room I instantly fell asleep. I was tired and I need to be well rested for the banquet tomorrow. I know it's gonna get out of hand with Viktor and Chris there. And it was crazy.

After the banquet and packing up our stuff, we headed back home to Russia. Finally. I was so fucking tired and out of it that I instantly fell asleep on Yuri the whole ride back. I ended up staying with Yuri under the care of Yakov while Viktor was out in competitions in Europe. Along with Makkachin. So I had to stay with Yuri. Not that I minded.

 ~My Agape And Eros In One~ (Yuri Plisetsky Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now