My last day in Russia was spent hanging out with Yuri and grandpa. He had the idea to be with grandpa for the whole day before we had to leave. And I liked that idea. Grandpa made his regular and pork cutlet pirozhkis. Two dishes in one. He's amazing.

But sadly, all good things must come to an end. We had to head back to the hotel to pack up and get ready for our flight. But I'm not leaving until I spend some time in the jacuzzi. Which I did and Yuri joined me. But don't worry, we were in bathing suits that we brought with us. This hotel did have a pool, but I prefer the jacuzzi.

After, we headed to the airport where Yuri's Angles were screaming out his name. Some screamed out my name but most gave me dirty looks. I know that they looked on Instagram. I mean, come on. Who doesn't?

But I don't care about them. I quickly flipped them off so Lilia or Yakov didn't see, but Yuri did. And he just laughed at me.

"Suck and kiss my ass, fake bitches." I scoffed as I hugged Yuri's arm.

"Jealous, malen'kaya mysh'?~" He smirked.

"As if. I just want to be near my malen'kiy tigrenok." I giggled as I kissed his cheek.

I'm not like those type of girls who always get jealous or sad when their significant other is talking to someone else then start thinking that they're not good enough for them.

I always remind myself that Yuri and I are special to each other. I say it to him all the time, and he says it to me.

I love Yuri. And I'll cherish every moment with him. We both know this. We basically made a 'death to us part' vow when we were little. And imagine that I would get to say that again if I got... married!

I shook my head and took a small breath. I was getting ahead of myself.

After some time, we finally boarded our flight. Barcelona, here we come!


"Ugh, what a long flight." I groaned as we walked to the hotel we're staying at.

"You should be used to it." Yuri said, not taking his eyes off his phone.

"Whatever. Oh, hey! Chris is here! I'm gonna go find him and say hi. I'll be right back!" I told Yuri and my two coaches.

"Just come back right after." Lilia said.

"Ok!" I replied before walking up to a receptionist running the front desk. "Hi! Can you tell me where Switzerland skater Christophe is?" I asked.

"Ah, yes. I believe I saw him head over to the indoor pool. It's right down the hall, all the way in the back. You'll know when you see it." The woman said.

"Thank you. Yuri, watch my luggage!" I told him. He didn't get to respond cause I was already running down the hall.

I followed her directions and I was able to find the glass doors that led to the swimming pool. I walked in quietly cause I wanted to surprise him, but I stopped when I heard him talking along with Viktor's voice. I guess he was in the pool as well.

"And here I was hoping that I could go skinny dipping."

"Don't let me stop you. I'll even take pictures if you want."

"Ok! Bleh. Viktor, please never say that. Ever again." I gagged then giggled as I walked up to the two.

Good thing that Chris was still in a robe.

"AH! MY LITTLE ICE QUEEN! How are you?!" Chris shouted happily as he wrapped his arms around my small figure.

"Très bien, Chris." I smiled widely and hugged back.

 ~My Agape And Eros In One~ (Yuri Plisetsky Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now