Ever since I've got back home to Russia, I've been feeling weird. Motion sickness, nausea, headaches, body aches and sometimes fevers. Yuri got more worried as the days passed so I decided to go get tested to see if it was some sort of virus or illness. I didn't even think the reason for me feeling puny and sick was because... I'm pregnant.

The doctor told me to take a pregnancy test and see if the results are positive just to cross that case off the list. But... the test turned out positive. I was both excited and full of worry. What about Yuri? He already has so much going on with his rising skating career. Well, I know that Viktor and Yuuri would do everything to help me as well but I don't want to rely on them for mine and Yuri's carelessness.

Yuri was away at the skating rink to keep training. I was at the apartment we both stayed at since I was still feeling a little sick. Lilia has sadly departed but she said that if we ever needed her expertise to just give her a call. I'm grateful for her. But now that Yuri is back to working harder and training again, I doubt he'll ever have time for a child.

I was pacing around the room, wondering how on earth I was gonna tell him along with the others like Viktor and Yuuri. I was so stressed and worried that tears pricked the corners of my eyes.

"God, mama, please help me. I messed up. What do I tell him?! What do I say?! Will he hate me?! What if he leaves me because he doesn't want to worry about the extra burden?! I'm gonna lose my best friend! The love of my life! I can't say it! But I have to... BUT I CAN'T!" I started crying as I fell to my knees, sobbing.

Sadly, I didn't have enough time to think when I heard the door open.

"Hey, Vyn! We're back! Viktor shouted out as he dragged in his fiancée who decided to stay in Russia with him for a bit along with Yuri who just quietly hissed at him.

"Idiot! Shut it, she's probably asleep still." He rolled his eyes and shut the door, throwing his things aside.

My heart started racing at 100 miles per hour and I kept crying. I didn't have the strength or heart to tell him. But I know I had to. I weakly stood up and dried my eyes then left the bedroom, making my ways towards the trio as I put on my best fake smile.

"H-hey guys. Sorry, I was busy doing something..." I greeted as I bit my lip. Yeah, I was busy. Busy having a panic attack.

"...Vyn, stop the lying. What's wrong?" Yuri asked as he walked up to me, grabbing onto my hand.

That small gesture made me instantly start crying again. He's so sweet, and I might lose that sweetness if I tell him. But I knew I had to. He deserves the right to know. And Viktor and Yuuri being here just added the pressure to just spill the beans.

Yuri gave me a worried look as he lifted his hand up and wiped my tears away. He opened his mouth to speak but I quickly placed my finger against his lips to silence him. "Yuri... there's something important I need to tell you. Along with Viktor and Yuuri. Now.. wait here.." I let out a sigh and headed back to the bedroom, grabbing the positive pregnancy test from where I hid it in my bedside drawer. I held the test behind my back and walked back out to them.

They all gave me confused but worried looks. "Is there something wrong, Vynette?" Yuuri asked.

I paid attention mostly to Yuri as he looked the most worried. I could tell he was even starting to sweat a little. "Come on, just tell me. You're killing me, Vyn." He groaned out as he grabbed onto my shoulders. "Are you ok or not?!" He lightly shouted.

I took a deep breath and slowly held up the test in my shaking hand. I closed my eyes tightly to be prepared to hear Yuri shout or say anything about how upset he was with me. I felt him take the test from my hands and I slowly opened one eye.

 ~My Agape And Eros In One~ (Yuri Plisetsky Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now