Fuck. My. Life. I'm sure Yuri feels the same way. Getting mobbed by his fangirls who named themselves Yuri's Angels. Please! They are not angles! They are bitches! They're devils! Well, most of them. Almost all of them.

We just got off the plane to Moscow and now... fangirls. And most of them gave me dirty looks.

"Mila, watch my luggage. Come on, Vynette." Yuri said as he grabbed my wrist and led me outside of the airport building. I was practically bouncing with excitement now. We would get to see grandpa again! I haven't seen him since Yuri and I were young.

Yuri and I kept looking around until he spotted a very familiar car. He was now excited as the man who owned the car came out and greeted the blonde teen.

"Oh, Yu-"

"GRANDPA!" Yuri yelled, pouncing on him to hug him, which ended in grandpa bending over in pain. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I forgot about your bad back!" Yuri frantically apologized.

"It's alright, Yuratchka." Grandpa laughed as he patted Yuri's head.

"Grandpa!" I shouted excitedly as I hugged him, being careful so we don't topple over.

"Vynettea! Haha, I haven't seen you in so long. How are you?" He asked. Man, I haven't heard that nickname in so long.

"Très bein!" I shouted with a sweet smile.

"Haha, well hop in you two. I'll give you a ride."

Yuri and I did just that. Yuri got shotgun while I sat in the back.

"I made my pirozhkis for you two." Grandpa said as my eyes immediately widen with sparkles.

"Really?!" I asked excitedly.

"Here." Grandpa held out a small bag which I quickly grabbed before Yuri could get his hands on them.

"Huh- hey!" Yuri shouted as I just laughed.

"If you want some, just get some. There's still some left." I mocked as I smirked at him. Yuri just glared at me while grandpa laughed. I took out one of the sweet buns and began eating it.

While I was distracted by the wonderful taste, Yuri had the chance to snatch the bag away from me.

"Little jerk." He muttered with a small smirk on his face.

"Hey! I'm just as tall as you, if not taller." I whined as I took another bite.

"Haha, ah, you two haven't changed at all. And still by each other's side." Grandpa laughed.

"Yup. Sorry, but like I told Yuri, you can't get rid of me unless I somehow get amnesia and forget you." I said as I leaned forward to be by Yuri.

"That's sweet." Grandpa smiled.

"It's torture." Yuri replied with a small chuckle as he took another bite of his pirozhki.

"The more I torture you just shows how much I love you." I said sweetly as I patted his head which Yuri rolled his eyes at.

"Yuratchka, Vynettea." Grandpa said our names seriously. We looked over to to him to see him smiling while still having his eyes on the road. "Promise me that the bond you two have will never break. I want you two to always be there for each other when someone else can't. Ok?" He asked.

Yuri and I just looked at each other and back at grandpa with a smile on our faces as we nodded.

"Da." We both said.

"In fact, got any handcuffs?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

"Why?" Grandpa asked as Yuri looked a little nervous.

 ~My Agape And Eros In One~ (Yuri Plisetsky Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now