We were up early to head over to Hasetsu Castle. Viktor rode his bike with Makkachin by his side as the rest of us ran.

"Hello there." Viktor greeted the fisherman that we met yesterday as he greeted back. "Come on Yurio, don't be rude. Say hello."

"I told you I'm not going to go by that stupid name!" Yuri yelled as I laughed.

We finally made it to the ice rink and laced up our skates. I was working on my choreograph while Viktor spoke to both boys about which song piece they would have to skate to.

"We'll start by listening to the music." Viktor said and started to play a song from his speaker. "The titles are On Love: Eros and Agape. Have you ever spent much time thinking about love?" Viktor asked as both boys shook their heads.



"Well, take Vynette for example. Out of everyone here, she's the only one in a relationship. So it makes sense that she would know more about Agape and Eros." Viktor stated then played the first song.

I took in his words while I listened to the song carefully. It was slow, elegant, calm, relaxing, yet full of passion. I felt the music flow through me as if I was skating to this song.

I picked up my speed and ended up doing a triple toe loop with my hands in the air. I skated backwards then went into a flying sit spin. I ended it with my arms posed elegantly in the air once Viktor stopped the music and I was brought back to reality.

"Very good, Vynette. Wonderful demonstration." Viktor praised as I noticed that they were all staring.

"Spasibo." I bowed with a confident smirk plastered to my face. "Play the next song and I'll demonstrate once more."

Viktor nodded and played the next song. It was kinda the same song, but more upbeat. It was loud, but beautiful. Strong, but still elegant.

I closed my eyes and got the feelings down for the song. I swung my arms in the air then trailed my hands down my body for a more dramatic effect and skated off. I landed a combination jump of a triple salchow and a triple axel. I could've done even better moves, but I want to save those for the program I have planed.

"This is it! I call dibs! I want to skate to this song!" Yuri shouted out just as I ended my demonstration.

"The first arrangement is On Love: Agape. The theme is unconditional love. The other arrangement is On Love: Eros. The theme is sexual love." Viktor explained.

My face immediately turned red. I knew what Agape meant, but I didn't really know what Eros meant until now. And Viktor used me as an example because I'm the one in a relationship!

I placed my cold hands over my tinted, red cheeks to try and calm down my heating face as I tried not to think of the idea of Yelena and I doing Eros. Wait.... Eros is the one Yuri wants to skate to?!

"Now, here are your assignments. Yuuri gets Eros, and Yurio gets Agape!" Viktor said.

"HUH?!" Both boys shouted.

"WE SHOULD SWITCH! THAT'S SO NOT ME!" Yuri yelled as I tried not to laugh.

"You should try to do the opposite of what people are expecting." Viktor explained.

"Ah, I get it. Expect the unexpected." I said.

"Correct." Viktor nodded at me as he went on to explaining how both Yuris' were mediocre, and not looking up to the right image for their programs. They needed to be prepared by next week or else both Yuris' won't have Viktor as their coach.

 ~My Agape And Eros In One~ (Yuri Plisetsky Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now