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Lisa and Chaeyoung both drop their naked bodies flat on their bed, both breathing heavily from the lack of air. Lisa pulled his wife close, letting her use her arm as a pillow, it seems that she never realized how she missed Chaeyoung until now. It's been two months since Miyeon came back to her life along with their son Liam but until now she still can't bring herself to confess to Chaeyoung. She was scared about her reaction, Knowing Chaeyoung she will react badly with this matter, especially that she knows who Miyeon is in her life before. She was snapped from her zoning out when she heard Chaeyoung giggled like a child as usual.

"What?" she asked as she looked down on her face.

Chaeyoung laughed again 'You should see your face just now babe, you look exhausted! Have you gotten old?" Her wife teased her playfully.

"Me old? I'm not even in my 30's!" she answered defensively as she locked her eyes on hers, Lisa can't help but sigh, just looking at Chaeyoung's eyes she always found herself breathless by her beauty. How lucky is she to have a wife like her? She's smart, caring, understanding and extremely beautiful.. she still asks herself how she managed to convince her to marry her. .

"Lisa stop drooling... it's disturbing" her wife chuckled.

Lisa immediately closes her mouth and wipes it with her free hand, before she smiles to her. "We did well today, don't you think?" Lisa whispered seductively as she start to wrap her arms again to the lovely woman..

"You think?" Chaeyoung asked her bluntly.

"Yah! Don't be like that! I counted!" Lisa yelled, Chaeyoung's hands immediately covered her mouth.

"You will wake up the whole house! I was just teasing you!" Chaeyoung laughed.

"My point is, it's 5 times Chaeng! 5 freaking times!" she pouted at her wife who was still laughing. "That's it! I'm not talking to you! Until you say sorry for teasing me!"Lisa sulked.

Chaeyoung fought hard to control her laughter, Lisa was so funny when worked up like this. She turned her body to her wife and hug her tight making sure that her right parts were pressing on her skin, she wants to laugh again when she heard her gasp. "I'm sorry... You really did well. Please forgive me" She cooed before she pecks her lips.Lisa grinned and Chaeyoung knows she is already forgiven. "I knew it! I'm the rock star tonight!' Lisa said proudly. "Right baby?"

Chaeyoung giggled to her wife's antics. "Yes, you rocked my world babe.. You always does." she breathes in her neck

"I Know!" Lisa lazily grinned, obviously pleased with her answer.

'You're is such a cutie.' Chaeyoung thought as she observes her wife. "We should do this more often" she added.

"Woah... look who is addicted to me now!" Lisa smirked.

Chaeyoung slapped her arm "Seriously, I'm just worried about you... you seems rusty!"

"Pssh... Me? Excuse my greatness" Lisa said in a conceited manner.

Chaeyoung just raised her brows. "I thought I heard your bones cracked earlier"

"That was because I forgot to stretch!" Lisa pouted.

"Fine whatever you say...old lady"


Chaeyoung stuck her tongue out to her wife before pulling up the blanket over them. and close her eyes, she was tired. She can still hear Lisa mumbling continuously by herself, complaining. But before she manage to doze off she heard her wife stupid phone ring , causing Lisa to withdrew her arms from her.

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