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Chaeyoung gave her wife one last look and turned away painfully, she was so confused about what just happened. So many questions.. Lisa has a family outside their marriage? What does it mean? She felt her breathing hitch up and the heavy breathing turned to painful sobs as she walked fast. She never felt this kind of pain before, not even when she was left by her ex fiancé. She trusts her wife more than anyone, she knew that Lisa honors their vows, she promised her. She felt like she's walking through a terrible nightmare. What will happen to them now?

Lisa doesn't have to ask, she saw anger and bitterness in Chaeyoung's eyes, but the thing that struck her the most is the pain of betrayal that was written all over her face when she looked at her.

"Aren't you gonna follow her?" she heard Somi, one of Chaeyoung's best friends, ask her with a hollowed gaze. Lisa snapped into her momentary stillness. ' I need to explain to Chaeyoung' she thought, she was about to go after her wife but Miyeon held her arm tightly.

"Miyeon please, I just need to talk to Chaeyoung right now." Lisa said as she tried to free herself from Liam's mother.

"Your son is dying here, Lisa! your wife is healthy! You can talk to her anytime you want, but Liam might not even survive this! Are you seriously leaving us alone?!" Miyeon looks at her, Lisa can't answer her..She was lost, her brain was agreeing with the woman but all of her desperately wants to go after her wife. She helplessly looked at Somi who was still standing with them. Asking for understanding that she knew she will never get from the girl nor her wife.

Somi just gave her a dangerous glare before running to catch Chaeyoung. Lisa can't help but to follow her by her sight.

"Lisa.." Miyeon called her dizzily, Lisa looked at her and to her shock Miyeons's body fell limply in his arms. "Miyeon!" she shouted as she caught her "Somebody help us!"


Chaeyoung takes the first taxi that she saw outside the hospital, she was so upset that her whole body was still trembling. She asked the driver to take her to her father's home. She can't go home right now, she was so angry at Lisa at this point. Her phone was continuously vibrating but she didn't even bother to even take a look at it. She looks outside the window with no hope in her eyes; the more it sank in the more it hurts her. She burst out into tears again when she recalled about her son and the fact that she can't even give her a child.

She picked up her phone and ignored the calls, it was Somi. She pressed the speed dial as she let out faint sobs.

"Hello" A comforting voice answered the phone.

"D-Daddy.." Chaeyoung tears pours unstoppably, as she heard the voice of the only man who can really care for her.

"Princess! Are you crying?" Her old man asked worriedly.

Chaeyoung bit her lips, "D-Dad... can I stay in your house" her voice cracked.

"What? W-Why? What happened?" Mr.Park asked alarmed by his child's voice. 

"Daddy please.."Chaeyoung doesn't want to answer her father's questions.. She can't break her own father's heart.. This news will hurt him more than her.

"Where are you?"

"I'm on my way.." she choked on her words, as she try to control herself but she failed miserably. She cried like a kid as she hold her phone tightly, everything is too much to be handled and she felt so lost.

The Broken - Chaelisa Where stories live. Discover now