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TW: strong language and profanity. Drug use too. I don't condone drug use. Please seek help if you do.

This is before she met solar.

It was a cold winter night, snow still covered the streets of Seoul and everyone had hot drinks in hand to heat up. Still Moonbyul couldn't, no matter how many layers she wore or how many teas she drank; she still couldn't figure out what she needed.

"Ugh. Fucking shit. I really have only 2 days to complete this" she said to herself. Moonbyul is currently completing her thesis for her business degree. Her life long dream was to one day own her own music company but she didn't know how difficult it was and how much business knowledge you needed for it. She had tried in the past, but it failed as she had no education in finance and business.

Standing up frustrated, she decided to take a smoke break. Yes, the cigarette did calm her down but at the same time also frustrated her even more as she kept on trying to quit the deadly habit. Inhaling the toxic smoke calmed her nervous, exhaling out made her regret choices.

To be fair it wasn't her intention to ever get hooked on the cancer sticks. She was in a bad situation that she didn't know how to deal with and had seen her own mother also smoke when stressed, so she gave it a try, not thinking that it'll cause her to be dependent on it. She was only 15 when she took her first puff. Now 28, 13 years fully addicted and dependent on it.

"Jesus, maybe I should just quit school. That way I'll be less stressed and stop picking up a pack" she sarcastically said to herself chuckling. Taking her last puff and throwing the butt on the ground, stepping on it, she took another stick and lit it again. Another problem, she was so addicted that she would smoke two or three in one break.


After finishing her her break, she final had ideas flowing through her brain to finish her assignment. Another reason she smoked, it seemed to make her work better and ideas would snap out all of a sudden after smoking.

"Finally I'm done. Time to go celebrate in the best bar in town" she thought to herself in excitement. Whenever when she would finish a stressful task, she always has to celebrate by going to a bar and having a night of relaxition in the arms of a woman.

"Let's see who's willing to spend the night with me" she thought while smirking.


Yet another problem appeared. The bar she frequently goes to is a lesbian bar. South Korea isn't open, so such places aren't accepted and would always be threatened by the government to be shut down. The community figured out a way to met, her friend Hwasa and Wheein, a couple, bought a cafe and would throw secret parties and meetings for the lesbians and gays nearby.

Seems like the couple were caught as Byul read a 'shut down' sign on the door and no one was inside as the place was completely trashed. Sighing loudly, as on instinct, she pulled a box and lighter.

"Fucking hell. Why is everything against me today!"

Inhaling and exhaling the smoke, she has find to another way or else she could stay there and smoke the rest of her pack away, something she doesn't want to do.

Suddenly she felt someone take her cig out her hand and took a drag themself.

"What the fuck! Who are you!?!" she said trying to take the stick to her own hands.

"You're not the only one with problems. I'm Irene" she said, taking one final puff and passing back to the latter.

"Byul. Also why do you assume I have a problem" she said scoffing. Taking a drag of the already finished cigarette.

"I finished it" she pointed out mockingly. "Also, no one smokes because they want to, they only do when stressed and judging by how you lit another just now proves my point" she scoffed as Byul lit another, taking in a long drag.

"So what do you want? What made you be so curious about me? Are you interested?" she mocked back still inhaling more toxins.

"Me interested? Sure. I assume you're also into women since you asked. Let's make a deal. We both have some fun tonight to forget our problems then we'll be on our way out. You in?" Said Irene, taking byuls cig and smirking. "I'll promise a good night"

"Sure anything beats standing here alone. I was planning to bed someone anyway. Who's place?"

"Yours. I have roommates and if I'm correct, you live alone right?" she shorter one rose her eyebrow in question.

"Yes. Wow you're good at reading others. Good skill to have in the streets and the sheets" byul smirked kinda regretting what she said when Irene laughed loudly.

"Wow... Thanks I'll take it.... just keep your mouth shut will ya!" she said between giggles.

"Let's just go" said the latter, really embarrassed. At least she could make the pretty stranger laugh.

Thank you for reading. I'll also start recommending songs here cuz why not. Feel free to also recommend. Also do you want me to write the MoonRene Smut or should I skip it? Lmao know one read is reading so I'll probably chose myself if no one does.

Song recommendation: Jazz bar by Dreamcatcher.

Sorry for slow updates.

See you in the next update!

- author-nim

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