010 (TW)

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TW: Sexual assault and groping

Yongsun paced around the room with her phone in hand, trying to get in contact with her girlfriend, but all attempts just forwarded her to voicemail. She badly needed someone to talk to, especially her girlfriend. She felt all the pent-up anger and frustration rising higher and higher in her chest, threatening to explode at any moment. She gripped the phone tightly, her knuckles turning white, feeling the urge to punch the wall until the skin of her knuckles tore off and the only thing she could feel was numbness.

Instead, she opted to throw her phone across the room, watching it as it bounced off the wall and shattered into the floor. This was the safe option, as she still had to shoot some scenes tomorrow, and showing up with bruised hands because she couldn't control herself was not a smart idea; she wouldn't know how to explain it to her managers.

She heaved some deep breaths, the tension still in her chest. After the long day today and after "that" happened, all she wanted to do was go home and into the comforting arms of her lover, but they were an ocean away from each other. She tried to phone her, but she wasn't responding—not even responding to her texts urging her to at least text her back. But all she got was nothing; she was awol, and it made her rage even more.

The brunette decided to take a needed bath, hoping it'd soothe her, and it was better than endlessly pacing the room waiting for something that would never come.

Unlike her girlfriend, the older woman hated smoking but tolerated it because she loved her, but at this moment in time, a cool menthol cigarette sounded nice and something she needed. She relaxed her hands and stretched them, easing some of the tension. She reached for her purse, hoping to find the thing she bought months ago on a drunken night, not thinking she'd ever utilize it but purchasing it nonetheless, "just in case," she thought.

She pulled out the plastic package containing what she needed. It was a cheap purchase, probably about 9,000 won. She scanned over the packaging; it was a Backwoods Honey Bourbon cigar. She didn't recall buying a cigar, but it'll have to do. She was a bit skeptical since it was her first cigar, but it was flavored like one of her favorite drinks.

She walked into the bathroom and drew herself a bath, adding the aromatic oil that was provided by the hotel. She stripped everything off, shivering from the cold chill, which caused her nipples to harden and the hairs on her nape to stand. She quickly set herself in the steaming bath and felt herself instantly relax, tying her hair up in a lazy bun. She reached for the pre-cut cigar and lighter, placing it between her lips and lighting it.

She took her first puff and accidentally inhaled. The heavy smoke burned her throat and threw her into a coughing fit. Once she calmed down, she continued taking smaller puffs and got into the rhythm of it, feeling herself relax more and savoring the rich and sweet flavors.

She closed her eyes and draped both of her arms on the edge of the tub. She thought about her recent interactions with her girlfriend, which weren't much, but they still kept her thinking. The younger one was obviously busy with her company and all, but so was the latter, yet she didn't use it as an excuse to push her away or stop any daily communication. It often infuriated her when her girlfriend would brush off important discussions and downplay whatever she said.

On the contrary, Yongsun felt she herself had been very supportive and always there as a pillar to lean on when Byul didn't have anyone else to rely on. She made sure to always call Byul when it was night in Korea, no matter what part of the world she was in. It was out of necessity rather than love, Yongsun wouldn't deny, but it was a sacrifice of her time nonetheless—time she should be using to rest, but no. No. Her mind was constantly worried about the younger's well-being, and she badly just wanted to hear her voice.

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