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Solar, or Kim Yongsun, is a well known actress and model. She is most known for her seductive aura as majority of her roles are seductress. Although she plays the character who tries to seduce the bad guy to get what she wants, she actually has a deep secret.

She likes girls.

She had known her attraction to the same gender since she was little and would always get captured by the female lead. That was the main reason she wanted to persue acting, it was to get close to many other pretty actresses.

She had been successful, having many affairs with many other actresses just like her; in the closet because of society and the fear of losing their careers. She had never been in a serious relationship, many not going further than just a one night stand. Hell she never even had a first proper date and she expectes she'll never.

She had also never had a true group of friends, she always felt like an outsider because when the other girls were busy gushing over some dude, she was busy gushing over women.

During her career, she was able to meet other people like her and even befriended some couples as well. Kim Minji was her first friend and even had an awkward encounter at first. Yongsun tried flirting with her at first but Minji made it clear that she was happily dating someone, Kim Yoohyeon, another model in the industry and she quickly apologized.

Despite the surprise, both girls hit it off and even exchanged contact information after the first meeting. Later on she meet Yoohyeon, which she admit was also very attractive and made her feel even lonelier.

Minji and Yoohyeon had been trying to find Yongsun a partner by setting up secret parties where only gay people could attend. It was difficult at first because South Korea was known for shutting down these places but they had money so they could buy a whole building and hold the parties at night.

Yongsun of course wasn't pleased when she found out, claiming that she didn't want a commited relationship and was fine with hook ups or being single. The couple of course knew her better than that and at the very least, she could just use the place for hook ups.

Whenever she did attend the parties, she would use a fake name, Solar, and she would use darker make up to hide her identity. She always made sure to leave straight after hooking up and never stayed to cuddle, in fear of them finding out her identity.


"Come on Yong, you can't be lonely forever. You say you're fine but I see how you envy me and Minji unnie" for the past hour, Yoohyeon had been trying to convince her poor friend to get a serious relationship as she was getting old already.

"First of all, its unnie to you." she glared at her and the other playfully rolled her eyes. "Secondly, I'm fine. I just envied that you got Minji first and I didn't."

Yoohyeon rolled her eyes again at her unnie.

"You really think I'll believe that unnie? It's been 4 years and you still use that excuse everytime I bring up your loneliness and jealousy of our relationship."

"Take it as a hint to stop taking about Yoohyeon-ah. I'm really happy for you guys really. How long have y'all been together? 6 years?"

Yoohyeon scoffed. Changing the subject as always.

"Yea it's our 7th anniversary soon but don't think i don't know what you are doing. Always changing the subject."

"Like I said take the hint but what are you guys planning?"

Yoohyeon smiled while looking up and daydreaming about her plan for Minji.

Solar looked at her with a little smile. To be honest, she had always envied the happy couple and always being there to witness their goals or achievements, making her feel a bitter sweetness.

"I'm not gonna tell you, knowning you and Minjis closeness, you'll tell her. Just know that I'll beat last years surprise."

"Not fair but I wish you good luck. I can just imagine her big smile with whatever you're planning."  her smile widen seeing the blush on the others face.

" thank you unnie. Just know that you can always rely on us, don't be scared that you'll be a burden to us. You aren't and you'll always be welcomed to us."

"So what about us being a couple y'know...the three of us." she winked while laughing, receiving shoulder slaps from the other.

"Gross unnie. You're too old for us. Plus Minji unnie is all mine." she tried to glare at her to seem intimidating but both ended up in a fit of giggles.

"Whatever you say Yoohyeon-ah, just know that the offer is always up."


Sorry for the long wait. I was in a writer's block and school was just too much. :(

I also changed the summary of this story, but it'll follow the same plot. This chapter is to just explain who solar is more and also to know the JiYoo couple too :)

( Stan Mamamoo Dreamcatcher for better health)

I know I'm late but can we talk about shutdown😖😖 😖😖 Moonbyul us truly our LGBT queen. I'm also glad Seori is getting more attention too, her voice is just perfection and I'm glad I discovered her when she debuted.

I'm about the to have a surgery soon and not go to school for a while, so during that free time I'll try to update more. No promises tho.

Song recommendation: "Shutdown" by Moonbyul FT. Seori

-author nim-

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