Just two more weeks and I'll finally get out of this hell hole. Hopefully more closer on achieving my dreams. Byul thought while smoking her third cigarette during the last hour. Final exams were getting nearer and the dead line for her thesis was also nearing. If she does well and if her professor approved her work, she'll be able to graduate and began her own music company.

"You seem happy today. Tell me, how much have you smoked today?" byul was startled when her best friend Hyejin, or Hwasa, came in.

"Stop worrying about me.. It's my third one so far." she rolled her eyes at her.

They had known each other since childhood and would often stay at Hyejin's house as byul's wasn't an ideal place for a child. Hyejin has been there through her difficult times and vice versa. Byul trusts Hyejin with all her life, Hyejin also trusts byul with all her life.

"Why wouldn't I be worried?.. Unnie do you need a reminder on what happened last time?"

"No. God no.. Just let me be for once.. worry about yourself and Wheein.. by the way.. Is she doing well? How is she taking the loss? " byul remembered their cafe being shut down and how precious it was to Wheein.

"She... Wheein isn't taking it too well.. I tried to comfort her but.. it's been difficult.. she's been distant with me.. and it really hurts unnie.. it really hurts." she mumbled the last part and lowered her head to hide the tears building up.

The sight hurt byul. Hyejin was known as someone strong and doesn't show her feelings quite easily, only those close to her are able to see her walls down.

Byul reached out to hug her, "jin-ah everything will be okay.. just give her some space but still be there for her.. let her know that she is loved and not alone." she pulled away to wipe her tears and kissed her forehead.

"Thanks unnie.. for everything.. I know I rarely show how much I appreciate you.. but I'm lucky to have an older sister like you." hyejin pulled her in for another hug to hide her embarrassment. Byul chuckled knowing how she hated being cheesy.

"Aigoo.. unnie is also very lucky for a little sister like you." byul chuckled and received a shoulder slap from the other.

"Whatever.. So anything going in with you? I know you use to go to our cafe for hook ups but that obviously can't happen.. Did you manage to find someone else? " hyejin also knows about byul's love life and her struggle in finding someone to settle with.

"Yea I did. Her name is Irene and she is a bold one, I'll tell you that." she chuckled and lit up her fourth cigarette before continuing, not noticing her friend's disappointed gaze.

"We had fun but agreed that it was nothing special.. but we agreed on being each other's go to girl until we find 'the one' ... well until I find the one.. she already did but it's sorta complicated." she was sure Irene wouldn't mind her telling other people her business, after all Hyejin is good at keeping secrets.

"Well,  I hope everything will go well for her.. I'll like to meet her one day though.. and help convince her that sleeping around won't make the situation better."

"Yes I will.. I see you two getting along well.. but let her know about Wheein.. I hadn't known her for long but something tells me that you're definitely her type." byul winks at the latter.

She had finished her cigarette and was gonna light up another. Seeing the action irked hyejin, so she snatch the pack away and throw them into the bin.

"Unnie really just stop.. I don't want to lose you.. please try to quite.. just try please."

"Christ hyejin-ah! Do you know how much I tried already!.. Do you understand how anxious I constantly am?!? .. about everything.. my future, career, and my loneliness?!?"

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