Byul spotted her friends coming out of the taxi she had sent to get them and waved them over. After a quick greeting, she quickly ushered them inside in case any paparazzi were around. Her tall and now blonde-haired friend was now a famous and well-known model. Her career took off with one picture, and ever since she has had to be careful with who she is in public and what she is doing in public.

Paparazzi and fans of all kinds would follow her everywhere, asking weird questions and begging for pictures. She used to believe that she owed everyone whatever they wanted, like a picture or a hug—a typical yet intrusive request—because if it wasn't for their "love and support", she wouldn't have had the success she has now. But that belief quickly died inside her when she realized that people had an odd and unhealthy obsession with her and would twist her words to make her seem like a nasty person despite them claiming to be her fans.

Her own fiancée told her not to worry too much and that it was actually a good thing because any type of publicity, good or bad, was great for her career. She had been with her through thick and thin and was without a doubt a reason why she became so big, but the girl still felt that her lover valued her career more than their relationship. They'd known each other since they were in middle school and had been together as a couple for almost a decade, but she felt as if she didn't recognize her anymore; her once affectionate partner was now cold and distant.

Of course, nothing has changed in Korea these past few years, society-wise, but even when they were in the privacy of their shared home, the older woman still refused her touches and acts of affection. It hurt her deeply whenever she tried to hug or kiss her; she would be pushed away because, according to Minji, "they could be hiding anywhere" or "I don't want to distract you; your full attention should be on modeling, not me." She was not even concerned about the possibility of someone invading their privacy but was concerned about her image in the public eye.

Yoohyeon never thought that she would feel alone and empty around Minji, the love of her life and her soulmate, but she definitely did now.

But she couldn't let anyone know; she didn't want to burden anyone else, which she already has with her status, because now they couldn't go anywhere with her without the paparazzi knowing. She decided it was best to keep it inside her, buried deeply and bottled up.

"Hey Yooh, you alright?" She jumped slightly when a deep voice suddenly announced her presence, shaking her out of her reverie. She hadn't realized they were in the building, as she had been daydreaming the whole time. She looked to her left and saw her fiancée give her a worried look, but she ignored it and faced Byul, nodding and giving her an answer instead.

"Yea, yea, I'm fine, just a little nervous, that's all." That wasn't a lie, but she didn't want to explain the reason for her anxiety; instead, she opted to give her a dopey grin. The girl seemed to buy it as she smiled back and patted her shoulder, giving her an "it's okay" reassurance squeeze.

As they continued their way to the basement, she felt a hand on her arm, squeezing it slightly before hesitantly going down to possibly hold her hand, but before it could, it was suddenly retracted. Yoohyeon smiled sadly to herself, knowing who it was and that she wasn't mad, just disappointed.


"Welcome, welcome everyone." Byul stood in the center of the dance room, and in front of her was a small crowd consisting of her employees and friends, all excited to meet the first artist of Moon Studio Entertainment. "As you all know, I've been working hard to achieve my dream of owning my own music company. I've spent years studying and perfecting my style of producing, and now all that work has paid off." She could see the excitement on her friends' faces, especially Hwasa, who has seen and been there for Byul during her difficult times.

Betrayal (MoonSun)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora