Three weeks after meeting Irene, their "relationship" had been going well, both would have their sessions and would actually hang around like actual friends would.

Irene had also introduced byul to her roommate, Seulgi.

"Wait.. So you're telling me that seulgi has a boyfriend and you like her?!?" currently they're both at byul's place and had just finished a session. Irene agreed to stay longer and even helped byul prepare a meal for both of them.

"Yes.. Which is why when we met I was all stressed and just like you.. I was looking for a distraction."  Irene lowered her head down as byul looked at her with pity.

"I had planned to confess to her that day.. even bought flowers and prepared her favorite meal." Irene chuckled bitterly, remembering everything. Byul held her hand to comfort her.

"As soon as I came in to suprise her.. I heard noises coming from her room and.. there she was on top of him.. thankfully both still fully clothed but.. she had her lips on his." byul stood up to hug her but Irene waved her hand telling her she was fine.

"It's ok.. I confronted her about it.. of course not telling her about my feelings but just scolded her for having a stranger into my home without informing me first.. we hugged it out but I still feel a weird tension whenever we're together" byul could see the pain and sadness in her eyes but knowing Irene, she doesn't like showing her true emotions. She felt lucky that the latter trusted her to show her true self.

"Unnie just know that I'm here for you.. I know that we haven't known each other for long but I feel that our friendship will last long." she pulls the other up for a much needed hug. She sighs out in relief when Irene finally lets her walls down and started sobbbing hard.

"I.. really needed this byul-yah... thank you.. I'm not one to show emotions.. hell I was taught to never show any weakness.. I was lucky to met you." she tightened her grip on the other, letting out more sobs.

Calming down, Irene let the other go and started laughing all of a sudden while wiping her tears. Byul looked at her confused waiting for an explanation.

"When I first met seulgi, I was sure she was in no way straight. At most I assumed she was at least bisexual or interested in women.. but when we hung out more the hope faded more away because she would always talked about men she was interested in.. she would only call a girl pretty or sexy but in a non interested tone.. Ya know what I mean like when straight girls compliment another girl? Just not clearly interested whatsoever." byul nodded, she had experienced that many times and it just made everything awkward especially if you are closeted.

"So I decided to test her to see if she was like the majority of this country.. homophobic or completely against us." she gulped before continuing. "We were having a movie night.. and it was my turn to choose a movie.. so I chose 'The Handmaiden' .. bold right?" byul gasped at what she heard. It was certainly a bold choice to watch that, especially with your roommate/crush. Irene chuckled at her reaction.

"At first she showed no reaction, just confused on why I choose that but didn't want to offend me.. but when we got to that 'bed scene' I could see she was shifting around uncomfortablely.. So I put my hand in her shoulder and asked if she was okay.. she jumped slightly but gave me a thumbs up." she paused as byul got up to get the popcorn from the microwave. She laughed at herself as she was too focused on telling the story and didn't notice her heating it up. 

"Anyway.. she seemed a bit hot and bothered from the scene.. then the scene when Sook-hee was straight up staring at Hideko's boobs come up.. her eyes.. the look she had was definitely not innocent.. it didn't last long as she seemed to felt ashamed at those feeling.. that was why I had hope because not many 'straight' girls would get turned on by that scene." Irene still remembered looking at seulgi's sad eyes.

She shouldn't feel ashamed, sucks how they were in a conservative country.. Maybe just maybe if they were somewhere else they could be together and happy but.. for now she has to deal with this reality. Irene smiles sadly at her conscience playing with her again with false realities.

"Oh god how could I forget.. When the sex scenes came up.. Her face.. God she was so red and turned on.. her eyes were completely glued and focused on the screen.. Could just be me hallucinating but I swear she was looking at me after those scenes with dark and lustful eyes. As if she would jump on me any second.. Which I of course wish she did but.. a girl can dream.. and I certainly did. " byul chuckled and shakes her head. Damn this girl is certainly shameless, she thought.

"After the movie was done, she didn't say anything?!? Just dashed into her run and locked it?!?! Unbelievable right? She could've at least told me her opinion." Irene pouted, remembering her disappointment when the bear left without saying anything.

"Can you blame her? She was probably hella turned on and you are her roommate. She must've felt ashamed at such thoughts." byul said after laughing at Irene's pouty face, which she admits was really cute.

"Whatever.. So I went to her door and heard some interesting things.. obviously she was relieving herself.. pretty sure I heard a vibration of some sort.. after about 30 minutes she came out.. all clean, as if nothing happened.. So I asked her about the movie. She shrugged and said that it was good and went in about the plot. Leaving out those scenes, of course. "

"So she seemed fine with the movie being about LGBT romance?"

"Yea.. I would say so.. but after that night she never allowed me to choose movies.. Which kinda hurt me but whatever." It really hurt Irene at that time, felt as if seulgi was uncomfortable with her now. Looking back at it now, she realized she would've done the same if someone put her into an uncomfortable situation.

"Anyway enough about seulgi.. Have anyone caught your eyes yet?" byul rarely talked about her love life, so she had to know since they always talked about hers.

"Not really.. I had a couple of hook ups but none really screamed 'love of my life' you know." Irene nodded, understanding that it's quite difficult to find the perfect one and them feeling the same way.

2 hours later, Irene decided to leave as seulgi had texting her saying that her date went well and she would be returning home soon but left her keys inside, so Irene had to quickly go back home.

"See you next time byul.. Maybe we can go to a club and find someone else." Irene winked before waving good bye to her.

This girl really, byul thought and waved goodbye.

Maybe it is time to find someone to settle with, after all I'm only getting older, she chuckled at herself.

Hopefully we're able to express our love openly, she smiled sadly.


I'll also include some seulrene if you don't mind. Irene actually plays a big role in moonsun's relationship in the future and in moonbyul's decisions. So look out for clues.

I'll try to update more but no promises.

Song recommendation: "need to know" by Doja cat
( has been stuck in my head 24/7)

See you next time!

-author nim-

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