011 (M)

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Incheon International Airport

Irene had decided to accompany Byul to pick up Yongsun. She knew it wasn't the best idea, knowing the latter didn't like her very much, but she also couldn't let her friend go alone.

She checked her wristwatch; it was already late into the night, and there were only a few minutes left until her plane landed. She looked across from her. Byul was scrolling endlessly at her phone with a concentrated expression, but Irene knew better.

She had tried talking to the younger girl about her problems with her relationship and tried to get her to open up, but it seems that she doesn't want to; she was closed off and completely sucked into her work life.

Yongsun was not even an option. The first meeting was a painfully awkward memory she wishes to forget, but she understands that if she were in her shoes and if her own girlfriend were still friends with her "ex-friends with benefits," she would be jealous too.

With a heavy sigh, she stood up and made her way to the younger girl, sitting herself next to her.

She felt her eyes side-eyeing her as she immediately put her phone down, as if she had been waiting for her attention.

"Unnie," It was the first thing Byul said to her all day, and it made Irene smile. "What am I even supposed to say? I really messed up, and I don't know what to do."

Irene huffed, a bit irritated at the whole situation. If she were to give her own honest opinion, it would be something along the lines of, "You're both being immature and childish. How about growing a pair and talking it out like grown adults?" but she would never say that.

She cleared her throat and grabbed Byul by the shoulders. "Look, I know what you've just done might've looked suspicious and spontaneous to her, but you were stressed and drunk at the time. She knows. Just be honest with her." Irene didn't really know what to say at this point. There was so much going on these past few weeks, and it just kept on piling on and on without a break.

"Fuck, I know, but still, I shouldn't have exploded on her." Her shoulders slumped, eyes heavy with guilt. "I just feel so guilty. I didn't even let her talk or anything."

She felt the older woman squeeze her shoulders. "I don't know; sometimes I feel like we're both driving each other crazy, mainly me, but I don't even know what the problem is." She sighed, her voice sounding defeated and tired.

All Irene could do was give her a look of pity and concern. She wishes she could do more, but it was something between the couple to fix on their own; all she could do was be a supportive friend to Byul.

"I'm so sorry." She knew it was nothing, but it was all she could offer at the moment.

Byul humorlessly chuckled, "Don't be. Just you being here is enough. Thank you."

Irene returned a small smile and shook her head. "Of course, I'll always be there for you," she said, pulling her into a side hug. "Whether you like it or not, I'll never leave."


"Welcome to Incheon International Airport; please safely board the plane and carefully follow the instructions."

Yongsun rolled her eyes. She already had to hear the same muffled and loud voice of the announcer plenty of times within a short span of a month because of how much she had to travel for this one film.

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